  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Current Implementations of Planned Grouping Based Technical Arts Education Programs in theJunior High School in Pingtung

指導教授 : 吳雅玲


本研究目的係探討屏東縣福城國中技藝教育專案編班實施現況,希望瞭解技藝專班運作、實施困境與實施成效。本研究以個案研究法進行,並以訪談、文件分析與問卷調查蒐集資料。訪談對象有專班主要承辦人、協辦人、專班導師與合作學校教師。問卷調查對象為福城國中專班學生。本研究調查問卷採Likert四點量表,以平均數、標準差呈現資料分析結果,福城國中技藝專班實施現況簡述如下: 壹、運作: 一、學校發展目標為讓學習低成就學生習得一技之長與職業試探。 二、學校依照九年一貫課綱安排課程,並與鄰近一所職校合作且開設三個職群。 三、學生輔導工作由遴輔會合力完成。 貳、困境: 一、福城國中專班僅規劃三個職群無法滿足學生需求,且遴輔會委員對該組織運作投入程度低,使遴輔會機制無法真正落實。 二、非教育單位因無法撰寫課程計畫,無法成為福城國中合作對象。 三、材料費的使用因為缺乏事前溝通,使經費處理變得更複雜。 參、成效: 一、以實作為主軸設計教材,符合學生需求與興趣的教學方式,且老師的教學實務經驗與實施多元評量方式,讓學生感到滿意。 二、選讀專班可習得一技之長,並幫助未來升學或就業之抉擇,學生感到滿意。 最後,依據本研究結論提出具體建議,以提供學校承辦專班的相關人員及未來研究之參考。


Abstract: The study aims to investigate and discuss the implementations of Planned Grouping Based Technical Arts Education Program (PG-TAEP) in Pingtung County. The case study serves as the main method while the interviews, literature analyses, and questionnaires are applied as complement. The interviewees are the program managers, joint members, the tutor and teachers participating PG-TAEP. The subjects of the questionnaires are the students involved in the PG-TAEP. The results of this study are summarized as follow. 1. Implement: a. The school aimed to enhance students with low academic achievement to acquire the vocational skills and to understand their vocational types. b. The school managed the curriculum based on the Nine-Year Integrated Curriculum (NYIC) and cooperated with the vocational high school, which designed three vocational types in the course. c. The committes of students’ recruitment and guidance worked cooperatively to counsel and instruct students. 2. Difficulty: a. The three vocational types were unable to meet for students’ needs. Further, the committees of students’ recruitment and guidance did not involve properly in this program so that the system failed to implement. b. Non-educational institutions were unable to cooperate with the junior high school due to the lack of ability to develop the curriculum plans. c. As for the fund, the way to use materials expenses becomes complicated owing to the lack of communication from the beginning. 3. Effectiveness: a. Students tended to satisfy the following items: the teaching material based on practice skills, teachers’ practical experiences, multi-assessment. b. Students agreed that the Planned Grouping Based Technical Arts Education Program (PG-TAEP) can enhance them to learn vocational skills and help them for the future studies or career choices. Finally, based on the above research results, the suggestions are provided for the educational institutes and related members participating (PG-TAEP).


汪松霖 (2002) 。安平國民中學發展與改進技藝教育方案實施成效之研究。國立高雄師範大學工業科技教育學系碩士論文,未出版,高雄市。


