  • 學位論文


Effectiveness of the Contraceptive Education on the Third-grade Students in Junior High School in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 王懋雯


避孕教育介入之成效探討-以中部某國中三年級學生為例 學生:潘祥琪 指導教授:王懋雯 摘 要 本研究目的是以避孕教育自編教材進行實驗研究,比較國中三年級學生在教育介入前後之「避孕知識」、「避孕態度」、「避孕自我效能」及「避孕行為意圖」之差異,並探討避孕教育自編教材之教學效果。期能提供基層國中教師進行避孕教育的參考。本研究採「不相等實驗組對照組設計」,立意取樣中部某國中三年級學生二個班級學生為實驗組(n=66),及同一地區另一國中三年級二個班級學生為對照組(n=68)。實驗組學生接受三單元之避孕教育課程,而對照組學生不予以任何相關課程。在教育介入前,對實驗組及對照組進行前測,於教學結束後對實驗組及對照組進行後測,以了解教育介入之立即效果。 本研究之重要結論如下:避孕教育介入後,實驗組學生於「避孕知識」、「避孕態度」及「避孕自我效能」之後測分數增加,其中「避孕知識」得分增加顯著高於對照組;而前測得分較高的實驗組學生之「避孕態度」及「避孕自我效能」得分增加顯著高於對照組。「避孕行為意向」之得分增加未達顯著效果。學生對該次避孕教育的各項活動有九成以上的滿意度。 本研究之結果證明對國中三年級學生進行避孕教育介入的必要性,故建議未來在進行避孕教育課程時,應該以有系統地規劃教學內容,以提供青少年系統化、適時性的避孕教育,以促進青少年之性健康。 關鍵字:避孕教育介入、避孕知識、避孕態度、避孕自我效能、避孕行為意向


Effectiveness of the Contraceptive Education on the Third-grade Students in Junior High School in Central Taiwan A Master Thesis By Hsiang-chi Pan ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to compare the different performance of the third-grade students before and after the instruction of contraceptive education.this study explores the effects of the contraceptive education related to contraceptive knowledge, contraceptive attitude, contraceptive self-efficacy, and contraceptive behavior intention for the third-grade students in junior high school in the central Taiwan. The study adopts nonequivalent experimental controlled group design. The subjects are the third-grade students of two classes in a junior high school in the central Taiwan. The total effective number of students is 164(66 in the experimental group and 68 in the controlled group). The stuedntsin the experimental group accepted three contraceptive courses, and the students in controlled group did not accept any relative instruction. The study objects accepted a pre-test before the instruction, and a post-test after the instruction, hoping to realize the immediate effects of instruction. The examination of the data determined the following findings: Students in the experimental group had better scores of contraceptive knowledge, contraceptive attitude,and contraceptive self-efficacy. Their’s contraceptive knowledge were also increased. Only the students who got better scoresin the pre-test in experimental group could increase the contraceptive attitude and contraceptive self-efficacy.But the contraceptive behavior intention of the students in the experimental group was not increased. Students involved in this study felt highly satisfied with the courses. Future studies should build on these results to improve the age appropriate contraceptive education programs in all age group action reseach and including more subjects from other area of Taiwan. In hope that one day the school system will offer students sysmatic and timely contraceptive education to promote the sexual health of the teenagers. Key Words: contraceptive education, contraceptive knewldge, contraceptive attitude, contraceptive self-efficacy, contraceptive behavior intention




