  • 學位論文


Research on the attitude towards freedom of speech of the senior high school students in Taipei City

指導教授 : 林佳範博士


本研究旨在了解台北市高中學生的言論自由態度傾向,並探究影響其言論自由態度之個人背景因素與校園環境影響因素,期能提供教師、學校及教育當局實施民主教育、推展校園人權法治教育之參考。本研究依分層叢集、便利取樣之方式,對台北市高中學生進行言論自由態度問卷調查,有效樣本共1,530份,分別就個人背景因素(學校性質、性別、年級、幹部年資)與校園環境影響因素(教師教學方式、班會活動、班級氣氛、社團活動、學校組織氣氛、公民課程教學現況)不同的學生,了解其言論自由態度的差異情形,以及探究言論自由態度各層面間之相關情形。調查所得資料分別以因素分析、描述性統計分析、卡方適合度考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法,進行各項考驗。 根據問卷分析結果,主要研究發現如下: 一、台北市高中學生的言論自由態度具正向、積極之傾向。 二、不同個人背景因素之高中學生在言論自由態度表現上的差異情形: 1、僅不同性別之高中學生在言論自由態度表現上無顯著差異,而不同學校性質、不同年級(一年級與二年級)、不同幹部年資者(0學期與4?6學期),在言論自由態度表現上均有顯著差異。 2、私立高中學生在言論自由態度表現上較公立高中學生正向、積極;二年級學生在言論自由態度表現上較一年級學生正向、積極;幹部年資4?6學期者在言論自由態度表現上較幹部年資0學期者正向、積極。 三、不同校園環境影響因素之高中學生在言論自由態度表現上的差異情形: 1、高中學生之言論自由態度表現,僅在不同班會活動、不同公民課程教學現況具有顯著差異,而不同教師教學方式、不同班級氣氛、不同社團活動、不同學校組織氣氛均無顯著差異。 2、高中學生覺知班會活動民主程度高者,其在言論自由態度表現上較覺知班會活動民主程度低者正向、積極;高中學生覺知公民課程教學正常者,其在言論自由態度表現上較覺知公民課程教學不正常者正向、積極。 四、高中學生在言論自由態度之認知理念、情感評價、行為意向各層面間,兩兩層面間均達顯著正相關。 最後,研究者根據上述研究結果加以討論並提出相關建議,以作為教育應用及未來研究之參考。


This research aims to tell the tendency of the attitude towards freedom of speech of the senior high school students in Taipei City, as well as to investigate the factors, such as personal backgrounds or school environments, that might influence this attitude. The results of this research are meant to be used as references for teachers, schools, educational authorities in practicing democracy and developing human rights education on campus. This research surveys the senior high school students in Taipei City over their attitudes towards freedom of speech by means of stratified cluster sampling and convenient sampling, with 1530 valid samples. It analyzes students in terms of their personal backgrounds (e.g., private or public schooling, gender, age, school clubs leadership) and school environment (e.g., teaching methods, class meeting, class management, school clubs, school management and regular teaching of civic education) to examine the differences in affecting their attitude towards freedom of speech and inspects the relationship among the different perspectives of their attitude. The results of the survey are examined with statistical analyses including Factor Analysis, Descriptive Statistical Analysis, Chi-square test for goodness of fit, One-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation. Based on the results, the following discoveries are made: 1.There is a positive and active tendency over the attitude towards freedom of speech of the senior high school students in Taipei City. 2.The influence of personal backgrounds: (1)Gender does not affect their attitude significantly, yet private or public schooling, the grade (grade 10 and 11), school club leadership (0 and 4-6 semesters) all make clear differences in affecting the attitude. (2)The students from private schools tend to be more positive and active in their attitude, 11th graders than 10th graders, and students with a 4-to-6-semesters school club leadership experience than those with 0-year experience. 3.The influence of school environments: (1)Significant differences in the attitude are shown in different styles of class meeting, civic education, but not in the teaching methods, class management, school club attendance, and school management. (2)Students who are more aware of democracy in a class meeting are more positive and active in their attitude than those who are not. Students who approves of the regular teaching of civic education than those who do not. 4.There are positive correlations between any two of the three perspectives, i.e., the cognitional, the emotional affect, and the behavior intention in the attitude towards freedom of speech of the senior high school students in Taipei City. Finally, some suggestions were provided for the application in education and further study based on the results and discussions in this study.




