  • 學位論文


Using VR Drum to Explore the Learning Effectiveness of Senior High School Students: Incremental Belief of Rhythm Related to Gameplay Anxiety, Flow Experience, and Perceived Learning Value

指導教授 : 洪榮昭


隨科技與網路的普及,相關的研究與日俱增,研究指出在教學中融合數位科技能使教學內容更豐碩,也為教學帶來更多的發揮空間。與教育現場相符應,近年來許多為音樂學習而設計的數位軟體出現,在音樂學習過程中,節奏練習是不可或缺的基本功,若結合數位科技媒材,能為節奏學習帶來新風貌。然而,目前在節奏練習中,尚未看到有合適的數位科技工具來幫助學生學習節奏,基於此,本研究採用了由國立臺灣師範大學數位遊戲學習實驗室所開發之虛擬實境遊戲「VR爵士鼓遊戲——打打爵士樂」來探討中學生於音樂課節奏學習上的成效。該遊戲內建了一項功能,可針對學習者演奏的內容進行分析,使學習者知道自己的錯誤處,根據系統反饋進行修正再練習,以得學習成效。 為瞭解此遊戲是否能有效提升學生節奏感,本研究以多媒體認知情意理論為基礎,以準實驗研究單組時間序列分析方式探討學生在遊戲進行時其認知、情緒狀態與學習成效間的關係。本研究邀請新北市某高中學生為研究參與對象,利用4週時間,進行5次實驗,並根據遊戲後臺數據及問卷調查來搜集資料,有效樣本共67份。問卷經參考相關文獻後進行編修,內容包括「節奏感增長信念」、「遊戲焦慮」、「心流經驗」與「學習價值」等向度。使用驗證性分析及結構方程模式分析得下列研究結果: 一、節奏感增長信念與遊戲焦慮具顯著負相關 二、節奏感增長信念與心流經驗具顯著正相關 三、遊戲焦慮與學習價值無相關 四、心流經驗與學習價值具顯著正相關 五、學習價值與學習成效具顯著正相關 六、遊戲焦慮經由學習價值中介與學習成效無相關 七、心流經驗經由學習價值中介與學習成效具正相關 八、節奏感增長信念經由遊戲焦慮、心流經驗、學習價值中介與學習成效無相關 而除了上述各構面之間的相關程度,本研究的結果表明從開始至最後階段,學生的節奏學習成效得到了顯著的提升。


With the booming of technology and the popularization, more and more researches indicate that the integration of digital technology in teaching can enrich the content and bring more possibilities for students to learn. In line with the application in education settings, there are many digital devices designed for teaching musical skills. Moreover, in the process of music learning, rhythm practice is an indispensable basic skill, and if it can be integrated with digital technology, it may bring a new style of rhythm learning. However, there is no suitable tool to help students in rhythm practice with embodied cognition. Thus, the present study adapted a virtual reality (VR) device, named “Drum VR”, which is developed by the Digital Game-based Learning Lab of National Taiwan Normal University. Drum VR, embedded a function to analyze the content of learners' performance, so that learners can know their mistakes and correct them based on the feedback spontaneously by the system to promote rhythm learning effectiveness. In order to understand whether this game can effectively enhance students' sense of rhythm, this study, based on the multimedia cognitive-emotional theory, conducted an experimental study to explore the relationship between students' cognitive and emotional states and learning effectiveness when playing “Drum VR.” Students in a high school in New Taipei City were invited to take practice in these five sessions for four weeks. There 67 useful data were collected after Drum VR practices. The questionnaires were compiled by referring to relevant literature and included the dimensions of "rhythm incremental beliefs", "gameplay anxiety", "flow experiences", and "perceived learning value". The results of this study, using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis, are as follows: 1. Rhythm incremental beliefs can negatively predict gameplay anxiety. 2. Rhythm incremental belief can positively predict flow experience. 3. Gameplay anxiety is not related to learning value. 4. Flow experience can positively predict learning value. 5. Learning value can positively predict learning effectiveness. 6. Game anxiety is not significantly related to learning effectiveness through learning value mediation. 7. Flow experience is positively correlated with learning effectiveness through learning value mediation. 8. Rhythm incremental belief is not significantly related to learning effectiveness through game anxiety, flow experience, and learning value mediation. Besides the relationship analysis, the result of this study also revealed that the learning progress is significantly promoted from beginning session to last session.


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