  • 學位論文


A Study on the Status of Atayal Aboriginal Leisure Activities-A case of Datong Township in Yilan County

指導教授 : 程瑞福


本研究旨在探討宜蘭縣大同鄉泰雅族原住民休閒活動之現況,運用問卷施測方式,以設籍並居住在宜蘭縣大同鄉之18歲以上泰雅族原住民作為受試母群,實施隨機抽樣,包含南山村、四季村、茂安村、英士村、樂水村、松羅村、崙埤村、寒溪村等8個村落為樣本。共計收樣365份有效問卷,有效回收率為80.21%。 研究結果發現: 1. 性別會影響休閒參與動機、休閒活動類型及休閒阻礙。 2. 年齡會影響休閒參與動機、休閒活動類型及休閒阻礙。 3. 職業會影響休閒參與動機、休閒活動類型及休閒阻礙。 4. 月收入會影響休閒參與動機、休閒活動類型及休閒阻礙。 5. 婚姻狀況會影響休閒活動類型。 6. 宗教信仰會影響休閒活動類型。 7. 居住地區會影響休閒參與動機、休閒活動類型及休閒阻礙。 8. 教育程度會影響休閒活動類型及休閒阻礙。 9. 休閒活動參與動機與休閒阻礙未有相關性。 本研究探討並研究原住民參與休閒活動之情形,企盼藉此研究提供原住民族及政府相關單位酌參。


In order to understand the current situation of leisure activities of the Atayal aborigines in Datong Township, Yilan County, the questionnaires was used in the study for measuring the population of Atayal aborigines over 18 years of age who are registered and live in Datong Township, Yilan County. Eight villages including Nanshan Village, Siji Village, Maoan Village, Yingshi Village, Leshui Village, Songluo Village, Lunpi Village, and Hanxi Village as samples. A total of 365 valid questionnaires were collected, and the effective recovery rate was 80.21%. Results were as follows: 1. Gender affects the motivation of leisure participation, the types of leisure activities, and leisure constraints. 2. Age affects the motivation for leisure participation, the types of leisure activities and leisure constraints. 3. Occupation affects the motivation of leisure participation, the types of leisure activities and leisure constraints. 4. Monthly income affects the motivation of leisure participation, the types of leisure activities and leisure constraints. 5. Marital status affects the type of leisure activities. 6. Religious beliefs affect the types of leisure activities. 7. The area of residence affects the motivation for leisure participation, the types of leisure activities and leisure constraints. 8. Education level affects the types of leisure activities and leisure constraints. 9. There is no correlation between the motivation to participate in leisure activities and leisure constraints. The research explores the situation of indigenous people participating in leisure activities and expects to use the results for providing indigenous peoples and relevant government units with discretion.


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