  • 學位論文


A Study on Customer Experience in Fashion Brand Café : From the Point of Service Marketing Mix

指導教授 : 王國欽


目前經濟情勢影響,時尚品牌消費力從歐美國家轉到亞洲市場,經由時尚資訊快速的蔓延,使得時尚概念日益普及;再加上國人生活方式改變,喝咖啡的人數及頻率日漸增加,消費者亦積極吸收時尚品牌訊息與嘗試各種生活體驗,本研究目的在探討時尚品牌咖啡廳服務行銷組合7Ps的顧客體驗及顧客體驗的差異。本研究以文獻分析法及參與觀察法方式蒐集資料,並於2015年8月至11月分別對四家時尚品牌咖啡廳個案如agnes b café, Roots café, Dazzling café,及L'OCCITANE Café進行資料歸納分析及提出命題。本研究結果發現時尚品牌咖啡廳的「產品」會影響顧客體驗、時尚品牌咖啡廳的「通路」會影響顧客體驗、時尚品牌咖啡廳的「促銷」會影響顧客體驗、時尚品牌咖啡廳的「服務人員」會影響顧客體驗、時尚品牌咖啡廳的「服務流程」會影響顧客體驗及時尚品牌咖啡廳的「實體環境」會影響顧客體驗;然而,時尚品牌咖啡廳的「價格」不會影響顧客體驗;此外,四個時尚品牌咖啡廳服務行銷組合7Ps的顧客體驗是不同的。本研究結果可提供時尚品牌業者及咖啡廳業者管理單位之策略研擬參考依據。最後,本研究中所提出的6項命題,可作為後續實證研究之參考。


Current economic trends have caused a shift in the spending power of fashion brand consumers from the European and American markets to the Asian ones; furthermore, the rapid spread of fashion news is popularizing luxury fashion concepts in Asia. Due to changes in Taiwan’s modern lifestyle, both the number of new coffee drinkers and the drinking frequency of existing ones are increasing, and consumers are exhibiting an active attitude and stronger interests towards fashion brand information and diverse life experiences. Therefore, this study aims to explore the various impacts of the 7Ps service marketing mix on customer experiences in fashion cafés. Based on literature review and survey observation, we analyzed the data collected from four cafés (agnes b café, Roots café, Dazzling café, and L'OCCITANE Café) between August and November 2015 and formulated our research propositions . The results show that “Product,” “Place,” “Promotion,” “People,” “Processes,” and “Physical facilities” affect the customer experience in fashion cafés, while “Price” does not. Moreover, the four analyzed fashion cafés differed in customer experiences with regard to the 7Ps service marketing mix. Consequently, the results of this study can provide fashion brands and café managers important strategic insights . In conclusion, the six propositions raised from this study provide avenues for subsequent empirical research.


Agnès b. CAFÉ L.P.G.官方網站。取自http://asia.agnesb.com/zh
Agnès b. 官方網站。取自http://www.agnesb-asia.com/shop/
Choc 恰女生網站 (2015,2月27日)。時尚品牌全面跨界!精品咖啡廳總特搜。取自http://chocblog.choc-girl.com.tw/choc/archives/93203
Dazzling Cafe honey toast 蜜糖土司專賣店臉書。取自https://www.facebook.com/dazzling.cafe
