  • 期刊


A Research on Consumers' Sensible Experience in Coffee Chain Stores


咖啡連鎖商店如雨後春筍般地林立,似乎宣告咖啡飲食文化已經成爲我們生活中的一部分。生活即體驗,咖啡連鎖商店流行的原因在於他們提供了一種生活方式,一種愉悅的生活消費體驗。因此,本研究嘗試從消費者對咖啡連鎖商店的消費體驗,探討消費者體驗的消費知覺爲何。 由研究結果得知,咖啡連鎖商店確實提供一個家庭與辦公室以外的「第三個地方」,而這個地方具有下列特徵:1.主要消費族群是年輕的上班族與學生族群。2.消費者的咖啡消費喜好是:a.喜歡喝現煮咖啡。b.喜歡專業服務態度。c.喜歡吃可口的蛋糕及享受店內舒適的沙發座椅。3.咖啡連鎖商店的環境佈置必須要明亮、具現代感、有歐洲風格的感覺。4.咖啡連鎖商店應該要播放好聽的音樂;要有舒適的座椅;要有內容豐富的蛋糕櫥窗以及很好的服務態度。5.最重要的是,多數消費者要的是一杯口感甘醇濃郁、味道香甜的現煮咖啡。 生活即體驗,透過咖啡連鎖商店的消費體驗,造就了上班族與學生族群生活上的第三個空間。消費者的消費體驗方式是一種生活方式的體現。透過消費者的消費體驗研究,可以輔助說明人類生活的核心價值在於生活體驗及其相關意義。


Coffee chain stores have been flourishing as to declare that the culture of coffee dietary has become part of our life. Experience is living. The reason of the popularity of coffee stores is the living style that they offer, a pleasant consumer experience of living. This study attempts to explore consumers' behaviors through the consuming experience in coffee chain stores. As the result shows that coffee chain stores indeed provide a ”third place” other than home and office. They feature as the followings: 1. main consumer group consisted of young workers and students; 2. consumer favorites: a. ready-brewed coffee, b. professional service attitudes, c. delicious cakes and comfortable sofas; 3.bright, modern and European-styled environment; 4. enjoyable music and comfortable seats as well as display windows with abundant cakes in them and good service attitudes; 5. most importantly, a cup of heavy and flavorful ready-brewed coffee. Living is experience. The consuming experience in coffee chain stores produces the third space for workers and students. It is a manifestation of living style. Through this research, we can have some light on the core value of human life which lies in living experience and related meanings.


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