  • 學位論文


The State of Collection and Usage of Comic Books in Elementary School Libraries

指導教授 : 陳昭珍


國民小學圖書館是以服務學校裡的教師、學生為主,所以在學校圖書館購置漫畫館藏,必須針對使用對象的現況及需求進行深入了解,才能更提供適當的服務內容,因此本文欲探討國民小學圖書館學校漫畫館藏之收藏及使用情形,以及對購置漫畫書的態度等意見,以提供給國民小學主事者、圖書館負責人未來購置漫畫館藏之參考。 本研究採用問卷及深度訪談,進行資料蒐集。透過回收問卷及訪談紀錄,進行資料分析、詮釋後,研究結果發現:(一)高達99.3%的國民小學圖書館有典藏漫畫書,館藏的漫畫類型以知識性漫畫為主,內容主題多關於歷史、地理、科學類等知識內容。(二)圖書館管理者皆是認同學校圖書館應該要有漫畫館藏,認為圖書館內的漫畫館藏可以吸引國小學童來利用圖書館,並滿足其閱讀需求,但也因漫畫書借閱率高,挑選漫畫館藏更要慎重。(三)受訪者認為國小學童可以透過閱讀漫畫來獲得新的知識、培養閱讀興趣,並且可以幫助閱讀力較弱的學童進行獨立閱讀。 根據本研究的目的及歸納出來的結論,提出下列幾項建議:(一)辦理教師漫畫閱讀指導進修研習;(二)搭配漫畫主題內容辦理相關閱讀活動或是結合漫畫內容於課程教學中;(三)聘任具有圖書館管理專業背景擔任圖書館管理者;(四)相關主管部門應鼓勵本土作家創作更多屬於臺灣的優秀知識性漫畫,並拓展本土作家作品的銷售市場;(五)訂定一套適用各級圖書館收錄漫畫館藏之標準,並定時評選一份適合各級學生閱讀的漫畫書單;(六)未來可擴展研究各級學校圖書館對於漫畫的館藏發展政策,或是以漫畫作為教學媒介之效益研究,希望能對於圖書館漫畫館藏之收錄及利用有更全面的了解。


Libraries in elementary schools are mainly used to serve school teachers and students. Therefore, it is essential to understand the usage conditions and requirements of objects to provide proper service when purchasing comic books. This study means to understand collections, situations, and comments about purchasing comic books in elementary school libraries to supply principals and curators a reference for buying comic books in the future. The instruments in the study include questionnaires, qualitative research method and interviews used for the collection of data. After the researcher analyzed the questionnaires and interview records, the study results are as follows: 1. Up to 99.3% of elementary school libraries have knowledgeable comic books, and the collections are mainly about history, geography and science. 2. Curators all agree that there should be manga collections in school libraries. They consider the collections can attract pupils to go to libraries and fulfill reading requirements. However, it is important to choose comic books more carefully owing to the high checkout rates. 3. Interviewees believe that pupils can acquire new knowledge and cultivate reading hobbies by reading comic books. Furthermore, they are good assistance for students who are weak at reading to do independent reading. According to the research purpose and conclusion, the suggestions are as follows:1. Teachers attend comic reading workshops. 2. Schools should hold comic reading activities or combine comic content with teaching. 3. Schools hire library directors with related backgrounds. 4. Governmental authorities should encourage local cartoon writers to create more excellent knowledgeable comic books and expand the market in Taiwan. 5. Governmental authorities should set the standard which is suitable for comic collection resources in libraries, and select adequate book lists for students. 6. The future research could extend to the policy of school comic collections or the effectiveness research of using comic books as medium of instruction. The researcher hopes to have more general understanding of comic collection resources and usage.


古采豔(1997)。What’s So Funny about The Comics?-淺談漫畫媒體表現形式的圖像魅力(下)。幼獅文藝,2,86-90。
古采豔(1997)。What’s So Funny about The Comics?-淺談漫畫媒體表現形式的圖像魅力(上)。幼獅文藝,1,87-91。
