  • 學位論文

影響借款人使用P2P 網路借貸之因素分析

Derivations of Influencing Factors on the Borrowing Intention of Online Peer-to-Peer Lending

指導教授 : 黃啟祐


所謂的P2P是個人對個人的網絡借貸,其類似於傳統的消費貸款融資模式。借貸平台透過互聯網提供媒合借款人與貸款人,完成借貸需求。像這樣的創新貸款模式非常受借款人歡迎。在大多數情況下,借款人可以得到低貸款利率、使用簡易申請流程及快速得知貸款結果。鑑於P2P網貸市場的蓬勃發展,了解P2P網貸平台中借款人的初始借款意圖亟為重要,唯相關研究甚少。過去,雖然有少數學者研究影響P2P貸款人投資意圖的因素,但少有研究從借款人的角度,探討影響網路借貸意願的因素。為了要探討影響網路借款意願的各種因素,本研究擬整合感知風險、感知利益、科技接受模型(TAM)以及計劃行為理論(TPB),提出一個整合理論架構推導影響使用P2P網貸的借款意圖的因素。本研究將導入修正式德菲法(Modified Delphi) 、決策實驗室分析(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)、決策實驗室網路流程法(DEMATEL-based Network Process, DNP)及以偏最小平方結構方程模型(Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling, PLS-SEM)檢定前述DEMATEL推導之影響關係之假設顯著。本實證研究的結果,可作為未來發展與改善P2P網貸服務交易機制、訂定服務、擬定行銷策略之用。


This so-called peer-to-peer (P2P) is for Peer-To-Peer online lending is P2P, which similar to the traditional consumer loan financing model. Many online platforms offer to match borrowers with investors via the internet directly. Suchlike the innovative lending model is a very popular way with borrowers. For the most part, the borrowers' could get low loan rates, used easy application process, and lending result quickly. Online P2P lending is a booming market, and there is an urgent need to understand the borrower’s intention in using online P2P lending platform. This research aims to derive the keys of borrowers’ intention. There are several researches to explain the P2P lender’s intention of investment, but from the borrowers’ point of view is worth to discuss and lack of academic literature. In order to understand borrowers’ intention factors of using online peer-to-peer lending, this study established a model to integrate the Perceived Risk, Perceived Benefit, Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to derive the influence factors for Online P2P lending. In this study, the modified Delphi method, the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL), the decision-making laboratory network flow method (DEMATEL-based Network Process, DNP) will be introduced to summarize experts’ opinions. And used PLS-SEM to examine the hypothesis of this study. The analytic framework and results can served to development and improvement of P2P lending service mechanism and marketing strategy.


P2P Perceived Risk Perceived Benefit DEMATEL DEMATEL-DNP PLS-SEM


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