  • 學位論文


An Inquiry of Using Popular Songs to Junior High School Recorder Teaching

指導教授 : 吳舜文


本研究以流行歌曲為素材,探討其運用於國中直笛教學之學生學習表現與教師教學省思。研究者採個案研究法,以所任教八年級學生為對象,進行為期七週包含副歌與主歌兩部份的教學,透過學生直笛表現評定量表、學生音樂課興趣量表及教學日誌之資料分析而成。研究結論如下: 一、在吹奏姿勢與運氣、運舌與節奏、運指與曲調與直笛齊奏默契等四個細項,學生個別表現與個別平均等第均達基礎等級,半數以上學生具良好程度,顯示運用流行歌曲於直笛教學,能有效提升學生吹奏能力達基礎程度。 二、運用流行歌曲於直笛教學有助於提升整體音樂課學習興趣,進行第一部份副歌教學後,學生更喜歡吹奏直笛,且有明顯成就感,也會延伸至課外學習,唯獨音樂課上課內容非其重點話題,前述觀點在性別與是否接受音樂個別課指導等背景變項均未具差異。 三、運用流行歌曲於國中直笛教學之教學省思,基本上進行第二部份教學能達學習成效,唯過多仰賴聽覺而未落實認譜、同儕評量有主觀偏見、用具未帶、教學時間不易掌握等,是教學可再精進之處。 四、運用流行歌曲於國中直笛教學之整體省思,團體活動應顧及個別差異與透過學生票選之流行歌曲可使教學生活化。 研究者並依據前述結論提出對教學者與未來研究的建議,包含:學習模式可加強學生相關生活經驗並適度就流行歌曲進行技巧與內容之編序;而未來相關研究可擴大研究對象及延長研究期程。 關鍵字:國中直笛教學、流行歌曲、音樂學習興趣、學習成果


This study aimed to using popular songs to the recorder teaching in a junior high school. The researcher took the eighth-graders as a case throughout a seven-week project divided into two parts, the refrain and the main melodies. The “Recorder performance rating scale”, the “Inventory of the interest in music lessons”, and the “Teacher’s logs in recorder teaching” were used to collect data and the conclusions were as the following: First, the mean from the analysisof the four items of the“Recorder performance rating scale” such as posing and breathing, tonguing and rhythm, fingering and melody, and ensemble, it showed students’ individual performance was at the average level. More than half of students were reached to a good level. The results overall showed that using popular songs as examples for instructing students the recorder in music classes effectively enhanced their ability in musical instrument playing techniques. Second, through the analysis of the “Inventory of the interest in music lessons”, the results also showed that the recorder instruction through popular songs could motivate students’ interest in learning music and became more involved and extended to extra-curricular learning. Although the positive result, the researcher found that the process of the music lessons wasn’t concerned by students. And the analysis of the background variables such as gender and experience of music learning showed no differences. Third, about the reflection of the teacher, also the researcher, the teaching could make students’ recorder teaching into progress especially the second part. And some teaching shortcomings were also discussed such as “over-reliance on listening caused the neglect of sight-reading”, “bias of the peer assessment”, “carelessness of bringing the musical instrument” , and “difficulty to control the time”. Four, through this case study the teacher had to be more aware of the individula need in the group activities of recorder playing. At last the researcher also found that the selection of popular songs for music classes should depend on the students’ decision. Based on aforementioned findings, some suggestions were proposed. For the recorder teaching, it is advised to consider students’ life experience and to arrange the popular songs based on the level of students’ skill. For the future research, expanding the student sampling and the project time will be advised. Keywords: junior high school recorder teaching, popular songs, interest in music learning, learning outcomes


