  • 學位論文

流•留 江玉庭現代水墨論述

Running.Freeze:The study of Ink Painting by Chiang Yu-Ting

指導教授 : 李振明


中國繪畫在元、明、清以來的數百年間,受到文人畫的框架所制約,只是一昧地模仿,缺乏與世代的結合,遂漸漸地喪失了推陳出新的能力。要讓水墨萌發新機,營造合於時代情境的想像空間,對於現代水墨多元性的探討是本研究的動機。以超脫傳統的思維模式,運用多元媒材以及豐富的實驗技法來探索現代水墨的境遇,從筆者往返於中、港、台飛航中,平凡裡不平凡的察覺,以單純而超越本質概念的作法,擴大其表現的空間,形塑自我的獨特風格,藉以尋求更為寬闊的繪畫創作空間。採用觀察、反應反射、實驗、創作、想像力等五種態度進行創作。 在創作的過程中,讓筆者深深體會到在藝術創作裡,需要多面相的反覆研究與實驗,採取多維度的滾動思想去探索藝術內容與形式。不是去革傳統的命,而是傳承傳統,從中吸取養分,創新技法,開創自我的創作風格。為強化對創作的信心,不斷的創作是筆者擴大生活經驗的動力,透過學習傳統進行內省認識自我,來釐清自身創作的真實內涵。除去對立,進而融合、交織、潛沉,以達期望的創作效果。 師法自然是中國畫的要訣,水拓的技法是水與墨的衝擊之後表現出來的效果,無窮無盡的演繹它們每一次的相遇水花,這恰恰就是生活的必經之路。繪畫不只是形式上、構圖上、技巧上的追求,也重於內容、情感及美感或藝術表現視覺上的探索,把情感帶入作品之中,是每個創作者的終極目標。


Chinese paintings have been restricted by the box of Literati Painting for hundreds of years since the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. It has become a consistent imitation and a lack of integration with generations, then gradually lost the ability to introduce new ideas. The motivation of this study is the discussion of the diversity of modern ink painting, which brings new ideas to ink painting and create an imaginary space that fits the situation of the times. By using mixed media and rich experimental techniques, this study explores the situation of modern ink painting with a new thinking mode that exceeded tradition. In order to seek a broader painting creation space, the author merges his travel experience between China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and his extraordinary sense in an ordinary life, with painting methods that are simple and transcend the essence of the concept. These expanded the space of its expression and created a unique style. The five attitudes of observation, reaction reflection, experiment, creation, and imagination are used for creation. Through the process of creation, the author deeply understood that we need multi-faceted research and experimentation, and to adopt multi-dimensional and constantly changing mind to explore art content and form in art creation. It is not a revolution of the tradition, but inheriting the tradition, drawing on nutrients from it, innovating techniques, and creating a unique style. In order to strengthen the confidence in creation, continuous creation is the driving force for the author to expand his life experience. The author carries out introspective self-learning through learning tradition, so that to clarify the true meaning of his own creation. Eliminate the opposites, and then merge, interweave, and precipitate to achieve the desired creative effect. Learning from nature is of course the key to Chinese painting. The technique of Marbling is the effect of the lash of water and ink. It interprets endlessly each time they meet, and this is precisely the road which must be taken in our life. Painting is not only the pursuit of form, composition, and skill. It also emphasizes the visual exploration of content, emotion and beauty or artistic expression. Bringing emotion into the work is the ultimate goal of each creator.


一 、古籍
法藏( 公元643一 712) 唐朝時代的人,是中國華嚴宗的實際創始人。
空海 ( 公元 774一 835),出生在讚岐國善通寺町。空海成立了綜藝種智院,教授僧俗諸弟子諸學,立定密宗教學,也是日本最早的私立學校。
智顗 公元334一416,南朝陳、隨時代的一位高僧。晚年居住在天台山,宗派自稱為天台宗,是中國佛教史上第一個中泰。以「法筆經」為最主要的教育根據,並稱為法筆宗,他主張止觀雙修的原則,發現了一心三觀、圓融三諦、一念三千的道理。
道元( 公元1200一 1253),日本佛教歷史上最為傑出的思想家和宗教家,《正法眼藏》就是他的思想精華的代表作,他主張禪坐是源於釋迦摩尼佛,傳承菩提達摩來中國禪宗各派傳統的「正傳佛法」,也是一個非常嚴謹的坐禪實踐者。
