  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Policy Planning and Implementation Effect of Taichung Cultural Bus.

指導教授 : 廖仁義


為延續文化部「臺灣生活美學運動」理念,臺中市政府文化局自2011年開辦「臺中市文化專車」,藉由結合臺中市公私部門的藝文資源,以「文化推廣」為目的,策辦主題式藝文參訪活動,欲以活動的參與提升民眾對藝文活動參與之興趣,發掘潛在的藝文參與人口、培養民眾藝文參與的興趣,同時提供藝文場館曝光的平台,以創造供需平衡、友善且良好的藝文發展環境。 本研究以個案研究法、文獻分析法、深度訪談法與參與觀察法等作為研究方法,以訪談大綱與參與觀察活動紀錄表作為研究工具,蒐集個案相關文獻資料、針對臺中市政府文化局主辦單位、隨車導覽人員、藝文工作者等5人進行深度訪談,並透過參與觀察了解隨車導覽人員、藝文工作者與民眾活動實際執行及參與過程,逐一探討:一、「臺中市文化專車」的政策發展過程與目的;二、「臺中市文化專車」實際執行情形;三、「臺中市文化專車」對於藝文工作者與民眾在藝文參與上所帶來的影響為何。本研究的目標,除了一窺政府以藝文參訪活動的策辦對於藝文環境發展的影響及其政策價值外,亦試圖了解藝文工作者與民眾對於藝文活動參與的目的與實際收獲,並對未來活動的辦理提出實質的建議。 本研究發現,「臺中市文化專車」自2011年開辦至今已逐漸建立模組化的執行模式,其與公私部門藝文場館合作,每年規劃不同路線主題,且適時結合地方政府施政方向與成果進行政策行銷,並透過活動策辦實質提升藝文場館之曝光度與知名度。而在藝文參與人口的發掘與培植方面,民眾除藉由活動參與活絡親友間情感交流,亦經由正向的藝文參與經驗提升對於地方藝文的認識與認同,除活動與個別藝文場館的再訪外,更主動透過深入學習提升自身的藝文感知。


In order to continue the “Taiwan Life Aesthetics Movement” concept of the Ministry of Culture, Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Taichung City Government conducted the “Taichung Cultural Bus” from 2011. For the purpose of “cultural promotion” , the policy combines the arts and cultural resources of government and nongovernmental to plan thematic arts and cultural activities. It is necessary to excavate potential arts participation population and cultivate the interest of people's participation in art and cultural activities, and provide a propaganda platform for art and cultural workers for creating a balance between supply and demand, a friendly and good environment for the development of art and culture. The study adopts a case study, document analysis, in-depth interviews, and participant observation as its research methods and uses interview outlines and participant observation records as research tools for collecting information about the case. Also, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taichung City Government, tour guide and art worker were in-depth interviewed. And understand the actual implementation and participation process of on-going tour guides, art workers and people activities during the participant observation. First, the policy development process and purpose of “Taichung Cultural Bus”; Second, actual execution situation of “Taichung Cultural Bus”; Third, the policy of “Taichung Cultural Bus” how to effect art workers and people on participation of arts and cultural activities. The aim of this study, besides a glimpse into the influence and value of art environment development about “Taichung Cultural Bus”, also tries to research the purpose and reward from participation of arts and cultural activities about art workers and people. Finally, make suggestions for future activities about “Taichung Cultural Bus”. This research found “ Taichung Cultural Bus” already gradually establish a modular execution mode from 2011.The policy plans different route every year with government and private institution. By executing activity to market the direction and achievement of government politics, and upgrade the exposure rate and reputation of local art resources. And in the exploration and cultivation of the participation of the arts and culture in the population, people bond with friends and family, and upgrade understanding and recognition of local art by participating activity.


