  • 學位論文


The Construction of Organic Farming Field – A Case Study of Nongshanshu Farm in Fuxing District of Taoyuan

指導教授 : 蘇文清


有機農業的理念除了生產外更涵蓋了對環境的友善與農耕生活的實踐,本研究目的以有機農業環境面的精神為目標,以對在地農業的關懷,探討農村聚落內廢棄農務空間的使用,將有機農耕的理念實踐在空間改建,並透過行為活動的介入,以身體勞動的本質,重拾人與物質、與勞動與自然環境的連結,建立一個具有在地特色的有機農耕場域空間。 文獻探討從有機農業的發展以及其對環境面的原則至有機產業的發展,進而影響農耕生活的體驗風潮,涵蓋生態、生產、生活面相的體系,包含農務空間的結構與行為活動均為營造農耕場域的參考。 研究方法以桃園市復興區農山塾有機農場為個案研究,以在地環境為基礎條件、以在地產業為活動、以在地生活脈絡為文化特色,將有機農業與環境、生產、生活構成行為與活動脈絡,與農耕環境行為與場域活動關係連結性,作為設計創作農耕場域空間的構成元素。並透過實際參與農場社群人員從改善基礎空間與體驗活動的經驗,歸納行為活動的空間機能需求,作為建構實踐有機生產、生活、生態的空間場域依據。 設計創作為將研究方法歸納後的元素置入農耕空間內,在生態面以有機農業的環境精神理念呈現外,以視覺經驗在形式材料上型塑出具有復興區聚落的地景特徵;在生產面上將勞動經驗呈現至物件元素內;在生活面上將地方經驗透過行為活動的空間經驗作為詮釋,透過上述設計手法,創作出具有「有機農業環境」、「在的產業脈絡」與「農耕生活」的有機農耕場域。 研究所得結論在生態面上,提出有機農耕環境與空間設計的對應關係;在生產面上以新舊空間的共存因應,除作為對農業空間價值的反思,對日後欲建置相關系統的空間類型,提供有助於釐清問題與方向的模式;在生活面上,透過人與自然的互動過程中的感知體驗,建構出有機場域的生活經驗。期許以此模式的建構經驗,找回逐漸被遺忘在地文化與農耕生活價值,重拾人與土地、環境的關係。並將有機農耕場域的理念傳播餘更廣泛的社群應用。 關鍵字:有機農業、有機環境、農耕生活、場域。


The concept of organic agriculture is not only about the production but also the environment-friendly and lives in farming practice. The purpose of the study focuses on the spirit of organic agriculture environment which provides the local agriculture care, and the exploration of the reuse of the abandoned agricultural space in rural settlement. The concept of organic farming practice used in space reconstruction brings people to participate in labors, products, and nature in order to build the organic farming with the local culture. The literature reviews cover the development of organic agriculture, the environment, the organic industry, and the trend of participating in the farming lives. The reviews can be defined into three categories to observe, including ecology, production, and living system. The structure of the farmhouse and the activities take place in the farming field are also reviewed. The research method is a case study, and the case is the organic farm of Nongshanshu Farm in Fuxing District of Taoyuan City in Taiwan. The research is based on the study of the local environment as the basic condition, the local industry as the activities, and the local lifestyle as cultural characteristics in contribution to bond the relationship between the organic farming and the local community. The results of research are applied in the design of the organic farming field in Nongshanshu Farm. The farm introduces organic agriculture and is built with the landscape of the rural setting in Fuxing District as in the ecological aspect. The experience of labor in farming is represented in the design of the products. Also, the experience of local activities and lifestyle is implemented in the design of the space. Therefore, the design of the project will be based on the results from the research in order to create an organic farming environment, a local industry, and the farming lifestyle. In conclusion, the space design corresponds to the organic farming in the aspect of ecology. The value of coexistence of old and new spaces is essential to provide the direction for the design of different types of space. In the living aspect, the interaction of people and the natural environment enhances the experience in the organic farming field. Therefore, the association of the ecology, the production, and the living system recreates the value of the culture and farming lives in the rural settlement, and it can be applied to other projects in the future. Key words: organic agriculture, organic environment, farming life, field.


王錦堂( 1985) 。環境心理學。台北:茂榮圖書公司出版。
