  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Internal Locus of Control, Exploration Orientation Leadership, Work Stress and Organizational loyalty -The Case of Medical Devices Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 洪榮昭


企業創新是必要的,成功的企業需要產生、接受和實施創新以取得新思維、新流程、新產品以及新服務。臺灣醫療器材產業正面臨著紅色供應鏈的夾擊,員工必須創新以維持商業行為與競爭力。基於工作適配度理論,本研究以探討主管創新領導風格與其成員的人格特質、工作壓力及其對組織忠誠的關聯性,並以台灣區的醫器材產業員工為研究對象,經由立意抽樣的方式進行問卷調查,共回收268份樣本,實際有效問卷共257份,再以結構方程模型(SEM)驗證本研究假設。研究結果發現:(1)醫療器材產業的員工屬於內控人格者,對工作壓力的感受程度低。(2)醫療器材產業的員工面對創新領導風格的主管,對壓力的感受程度低。(3)醫療器材產業的員工面對工作壓力越大,其對組織忠誠度越低。(4)醫療器材產業的員工人格特質越傾向內控者,對於主管創新領導風格接受程度越高。(5)醫療器材產業的員工對於工作上產生之心理壓力越大其生理壓力也越大。(6)工作壓力完全中介內控人格與主管創新風格對組織忠誠的影響。 根據實證結果,本研究建議管理者可藉由創新的領導降低員工的工作壓力或聘用具高度內控人格傾向之員工。


Innovation is needed to a firm to generate, accept, and implement new ideas, processes, products, or services that drive a firm's success in the marketplace. The medical equipment industry in Taiwan was in the face of international competition in red supply chain, and innovation was counted for their employees to sustain business. Based on person-job fit theory, this need to study the primary psychological factors on the correlates of individuals’ personality (i.e., introvert), exploration orientation leadership and working pressures (i.e., psychological and physiological) to their organization’s loyalty. 257 samples of questionnaires have been usefully collected form medical equipment industry and were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis with structural equation model. The research results were: (1) Most participants in this study are introverts. The high level of introvert personality ones have, the low level of sensitive towards work stress they would have. (2) The leadership with high level of exploration orientation participants perceived, the low level of two type work stress they would have. (3) The high level of two type work stress the participants have, the lower the enterprise loyalty they have. (4) The more participants are introverts, the higher level of exploration orientation leadership they would be. (5) The psychological pressure was positively related to physiological stress. (6) Introvert personality and exploration orientation leadership could positively predict enterprise loyalty mediated by work stress. According to the research result, this study suggests that supervisors need to reduce employees’ work stress by practicing exploration orientation leadership; or hire employees with high level of introvert personality.


Galton, F. (1884). Measurement of character. Fortnightly Review, 36, 179-185.
