  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relations between Beliefs in Internal-External Control and Prosocial Behavior in Junior High School.

指導教授 : 沈六


本研究旨在探討國中學生的內外控信念與利社會行為的現況,以及探討二者之間的相關,並根據研究結果,提出具體建議,以供實施道德教育、輔導和未來相關研究之參考。 本研究採問卷調查法,以台灣省35所國民中學二年級學生為研究對象,有效樣本人數共1215人。採用「內外控信念量表」、「利社會行為量表」為研究工具。調查所得資料以描述統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計程序處理。 研究結果發現,臚陳如下: 一、國中學生普遍傾向內控信念,並且國中男女學生在內外控信念及其各分變項均沒有顯著差異。 二、不同家庭社經地位除負內控有顯著差異外,其餘國中學生的內外控信念分變項均沒有顯著差異。 三、國中學生利社會行為表現趨向積極,且國中女生之利社會行為及各層面的行為表現均較國中男生積極。 四、高社經地位及中社經地位的國中學生利社會行為及各層面表現均優 於低社經地位的國中學生。 五、愈內控的國中學生,愈容易表現利社會行為,而愈外控的國中學生 ,利社會行為表現愈趨消極。 六、國中男生的正內控、正外控、負外控與利社會行為各層面均呈顯著相關。國中女生則是在內外控信念所有變項上與利社會行為各層面均呈顯著相關。 七、不同社經地位國中學生正內控、正外控與利社會行為各層面均呈顯著相關;高社經地位負內控、中社經地位負外控、低社經地位負外控的國中學生與利社會行為各層面均呈顯著相關,高社經地位國中學生負外控與利社會行為、助人、合作、志願服務呈顯著相關;中社經地位負內控部分與助人、關懷有顯著相關。 八、背景變項、內外控信念各分變項能分別有效預測國中生利社會行為 各層面,其中「正內控」最具預測力。 根據研究結果,本研究針對學校、家庭、學生個人、社會以及後續研究方面提出相關建議,以供教育人員及未來相關研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of students’ background, locus of control and prosocial behavior of junior high school in Taiwan. Subjects consisted of second grade students. There were 1215 students in this study, from 35 different junior high school in Taiwan. The study employed ‘Internal-External Control Scale and Prosocial Behavior Scale’, which were revised by researcher. All of these datas were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The major findings included: 1.The beliefs in internal-external control , positive internal control , negative internal control , positive external control and negative external control of junior high school students make no differences in students' gender . 2.The beliefs in internal-external control , positive internal control , positive external control and negative external control of junior high school students make no differences in students' socio-economic status .In terms of negative internal control in socio-economic status, the difference was significant. 3.The students' prosocial behavior , helping, cooperation, concern and volunteering was significantly different in the variables of gender , girls are better than boys . 4.The students' prosocial behavior , helping, cooperation, concern and volunteering was significantly different in the variables of socio-economic status ,high socio-economic status and medium socio-economic status are better than low socio-economic status . 5.There is positive correlation between students’internal control and prosocial behavior. There is negative correlation between students’external control and prosocial behavior. 6.Boys' performance on positive internal control , positive external control, negative external control and prosocial behavior , helping, cooperation, concern and volunteering, the result indicated significant correlation. Girls' performance on positive internal control, negative internal control , positive external control, negative external control and prosocial behavior, helping, cooperation, concern and volunteering, the result indicated significant correlation. 7. High socio-economic status students' performance on positive internal control , negative internal control , positive external control and prosocial behavior , helping, cooperation, concern and volunteering, the result indicated significant correlation. High socio-economic status students' performance on negative external control and prosocial behavior , helping, cooperation and volunteering, the result indicated significant correlation. Medium socio-economic status students' performance on positive internal control , positive external control , negative external control and prosocial behavior , helping, cooperation, concern and volunteering, the result indicated significant correlation. Medium socio-economic status students' performance on negative internal control and helping and concern, the result indicated significant correlation. Low socio-economic status students' performance on positive internal control , positive external control , negative external control and prosocial behavior , helping, cooperation, concern and volunteering, the result indicated significant correlation. 8.The prosocial behavior of junior high school students can be predicted through demographic variables(gender,socio-economic status)and beliefs in internal-external control. Finally, according to the findings, some of the suggestions were discussed in order to help students to improve the internal control, prosocial behavior and for further researches.


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