  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships of Locus Control of Personality Traits, Job Self-efficacy, Knowledge Sharing and Purchasing Performance of Procurement Personnel

指導教授 : 李懿芳


在知識經濟的時代,智慧資本優勢是企業成長的關鍵,所以「知識分享」變成組織中提高績效的重要因素之一。透過知識工作者善用專業才能,提升整體工作效能,運用知識分享成為促進工作績效的原動力。而影響組織中知識分享的重要因素包括:組織成員間之信任、組織承諾、組織文化、組織中的管理措施、個人對知識分享的態度和價值。過去關於知識分享的研究,通常只專注於知識分享的行為、組織間影響知識分享的因素、知識管理方式等,但是卻忽略了最重要的,知識分享的型態。因此,本研究將知識分享分為三種型態:快速回應的Type A、認知反思的Type B、情感反思的Type C三種來做後續探討。其中,快速回應的Type A是指當接受到他人的訊息時,不經思考,就作出回應;認知反思的Type B是指當接受到他人的訊息時,經過思考後,才作出回應;情感反思的Type C是指當接受到他人的訊息時,思考過會不會被別人笑之後,才作出回應。 本研究旨在探討採購人員的內控人格特質、工作自我效能及知識分享三種型態,對於達成採購工作績效的相關聯性,本研究採用便利取樣的方式進行問卷調查,對象為中華採購協會之採購會員,共回收271份問卷,利用結構方程模式(SEM)檢定本研究的假設。研究結果發現(1)內控人格特質對工作自我效能有正向相關(2)工作自我效能對知識分享Type A、Type B有正向相關;而對知識分享Type C有負向相關(3)知識分享Type A、Type B對採購工作績效有正向相關;知識分享Type C對採購工作績效呈現負相關。期能提供企業及高階採購主管在任用及培訓採購人員,運用組織內知識分享及管理,提升工作的專業知識及策略管理,以獲至良好的採購工作績效。


In the era of knowledge economy, the key to enterprise growth lies in the wisdom of capital advantage, so "knowledge sharing" into the organization to improve performance one of the important factors. Through knowledge workers to make good use of professional skills can improve the overall work efficiency. Thus, the present study focused on three types of knowledge sharing: fast and automatic (Type A), cognitive reflection (Type B) and affective evaluation (Type C). Type A knowledge sharing involves one providing a fast and automatic affective reflection response after receiving a message. Type B of knowledge sharing involves one providing a response after cognitive reflection. Type C of knowledge sharing involves one providing a response after affective reflection. To understand what types of knowledge sharing can be affected by individual traits and can affect job performance, this study explored the three types of internal locus of control, job self-efficacy and knowledge sharing of procurement personnel. In order to achieve the correlation of purchasing performance, purposive sampling was adopted for this study and 271 questionnaires were returned for confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results showed that: (1) Internal locus of control was positively associated with job self-efficacy; (2) Job self-efficacy was positively associated with Type A and Type B knowledge sharing, but Type C knowledge sharing was negatively associated with job self-efficacy; (3) Type A and Type B knowledge sharing was positively associated with purchasing job performance, but Type C knowledge sharing was negatively associated with purchasing job performance. The implication of this study suggested enterprises and senior executives can enhance knowledge sharing via increasing employees’ job self-efficacy or recruiting high level of internal locus of control employees.


Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215.
