  • 學位論文


The correlates of sugar-sweetened beverages among technology company employees in Miaoli County

指導教授 : 胡益進 廖邕


本研究主要目的在瞭解苗栗某科技公司員工攝取含糖飲料行為,以橫斷式調查法收集資料,並探討研究對象背景因素、含糖飲料消費因素、攝取含糖飲料知識、對於攝取含糖飲料態度、拒絕攝取含糖飲料自我效能與攝取含糖飲料行為間的關係,選擇以苗栗某科技公司員工做為研究樣本,共回收233份有效問卷(有效回收率89.61%),問卷資料經過分析得知重要結果如下: 一、研究對象為苗栗某科技公司員工,性別以男性為多(66.52%),年齡層以30~39歲人數最多(45.49%),教育程度以專科、大學比例最高(42.92%),睡眠品質以「還不錯」較多(48.07%),獲取含糖飲料便利程度以地理環境上有67.38%員工在住家或工作地點能在走路五分鐘的範圍內獲取含糖飲料,有80.26%員工覺得身處的生活環境獲取含糖飲料屬「便利的」,而攝取含糖飲料訊息與頻率來源第一名為網路,購買含糖飲料首要條件以「喜好口味」為主要選購考量,研究對象每週攝取含糖飲料平均值達2335c.c,主要攝取類別以茶類與咖啡類為主。 二、研究對象攝取含糖飲料知識會因為「年齡」、「教育程度」之不同水準而有顯著差異,其中以39歲以下員工與具有碩士(含)以上員工具有較佳的攝取含糖飲料知識;對於攝取含糖飲料態度會因為「性別」、「年齡」之不同水準而有顯著差異,其中以女性與40~49歲員工較佳;拒絕攝取含糖飲料自我效能會因為「年齡」之不同而有顯著差異,其中以40~49歲員工拒絕攝取含糖飲料自我效能最佳。 三、研究對象攝取含糖飲料行為會因為「性別」、「年齡」、「教育程度」之不同水準而有顯著差異,其中以男性、39歲(含)以下員工、教育程度為高中或高職者有較高攝取含糖飲料行為,研究對象攝取含糖飲料行為亦與對於攝取含糖飲料態度、拒絕攝取含糖飲料行為呈現負相關。 四、在本研究得知所有變項能有效預測攝取含糖飲料行為之總變異量的51.1%,其中以研究對象之「性別」、「年齡」、「教育程度」、「對於攝取含糖飲料態度」、「拒絕攝取含糖飲料自我效能」、「接觸含糖飲料訊息的頻率」、「購買條件」對研究對象攝取含糖飲料行為具有預測力,並以「拒絕攝取含糖飲料自我效能」對於攝取含糖飲料行為之解釋力最大。 五、根據研究結果,對衛生當局與職場健康服務醫護人員提出諸多建議,包含對於含糖飲料宣導課程內容設計及建議優先強化之特定對象、加強職場食品的供應規範、提出媒體資訊管理之建議、建立健康職場無糖飲料支持性環境與政策等,期待能對於企業建立健康職場環境有所助益,以提升員工身體健康,增加工作效率與產出,降低因疾病造成的病假缺席的成本損失,進而讓雇主認同推行職場健康促進是最有效益的投資。


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the behavior of Miaoli Technology Company Staffs taking Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) by adopting the cross-sectional investigation method. For this study, we have included factors such as staff’s background, rationale for buying SSBs, their knowledge on SSBs, attitude of SSBs, and refusing to take the relationship between the self-efficacy of SSBs . In this study we have collected 233 valid questionnaires (with an effective recovery rate of 89.61%) from the employees of a technology company in Miaoli. We can revealed the following conclusions form from the questionnaire: 1.These subjects come from Miaoli Technology Company which is a predominantly male environment (about 66.52%), and their age range are around 30-39 (45.49%), and their education level is the highest in the specialist and university (42.92%). In these samples about 48.07% have a good sleep quality and about 67.38% of them can get SSBs from home or work place within five minutes. 80.26% of employees feel that it is "convenient" to get SSBs in their living . The main resource about SSBs information that they can get is from the Internet. The main choice consideration of SSBs is based on "their taste flavor". The subjects intake SSBs is 2,335 ml per week and the main categories of them were tea and coffee. 2.There is significance relation between the knowledge of SSBs, age and educational level. Employees under the age of 39 and those with a master's degree or above have better knowledge of SSBs. There is significance relation between the attitude of SSBs, gender and age . Employees under the age 40-49 year olds and female have better attitude of SSBs. There is significance relation between the self-efficacy of refusing SSBs , age. Employees under the age 40-49 year olds have better self-efficacy of SSBs. 3.The behavior of these subjects in intaked SSBs varies significantly depending on their "gender", "age " and "educational level". Among these subjects, male employees who fall under the age of 39 (including), with High school education level intakes more sweetened beverages. The attitude of SSBs and the self-efficacy of refusing SSBs shows negative correlation between taking and refusing to intakes sweetened beverages. 4. In this study the variances of SSBs intakes which could be explained by all research variables was up to 51.1%. The main predictors are gender, age, educational level, the attitude of SSBs , the self-efficacy of refusing SSBs, frequency of contact with SSBs and purchasing condition. The most important predictor toward SSBs intakes was self-efficacy of refusing SSBs. 5.According to the result of this research, many suggestions were presented to health authorities and workplace health service medical staff. These suggestions includes specifications on the avoid SSBs course content design, and Priority implementation people, strengthening the supply of workplace foods, increasing health awareness thru information management , Establish a healthy workplace sugar-free beverages support environment and policy. It can be expected to help the establishment of a healthy workplace environment to improve the physical health of employees, increase work efficiency and output, and reduce diseases caused by diseases. The cost of absence from sick leave, which in turn makes employers agree that promoting workplace health promotion is the most effective investment.


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