  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationships between College Students' Campus Involvement and Employability Development –Based on Data of Private Universities in Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉若蘭


本研究旨在探討大學生校園投入經驗與就業力發展的關係,採用問卷調查法,以「大學生校園投入經驗與就業力發展量表」作為研究工具;量表分為個人基本資料、校園投入經驗量表及就業力發展量表等三部分,其中個人因素包括性別、就讀年級、就讀學院領域、住宿情形、社團參與情形及工讀經驗;校園投入經驗包括學術投入及非學術投入(人際投入、課外活動參與經驗);就業力則是包括工作責任紀律、持續學習能力、問題解決能力、創新能力、溝通表達能力、團隊合作能力、抗壓性、職涯規劃能力及領導能力等九大因素。 研究對象為北部八所私立大學高年級生,共572人,其中男性225人,女性347人。統計方法包括描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元迴歸分析。研究結果如下: 一、校園投入經驗中,人際投入平均分數最高,課外活動參與經驗則最低。 二、就業力發展中,工作責任紀律平均分數最高,職涯規劃能力平均分數最低。 三、不同性別、就讀年級、就讀學院領域、住宿情形、社團參與情形及工讀經驗對於校園投入經驗有顯著差異。 四、不同性別、社團參與情形及工讀經驗對於就業力發展有顯著差異。 五、校園投入經驗各項因素與就業力發展各項因素具有顯著的中度相關。 六、大學生校園投入經驗中,「學術投入」、「人際投入」對所有就業力都有顯著的正向關係,而「課外活動參與經驗」除工作責任紀律外,對於其他就業力均有顯著正向關係。所有因素對於就業力發展解釋力為19.4%至32.8%。 本研究依據以上結果,並針對學校相關單位、大學生及後續研究提出建議。對學校相關單位建議為(一)發展多元課外活動方案,以提高校園投入經驗,(二)幫助大學生瞭解社會趨勢,以面對未來就業發展及(三)結合學生事務處各單位及系所資源,加強學生就業力發展;對大學生方面建議為(一)積極參與校園活動,累積校園投入經驗,(二)加強師生互動,增進學術投入及(三)加強與社會連結,瞭解社會趨勢。最後,對後續研究提出建議。


In this research mainly investigating the relationships between college students’ campus involvement and employability development. Questionnaire survey method were used in this research, by creating a set of “College Students’ Campus Involvement Experience and Employability Development Survey” which consists of three parts followed by personal basic information, campus involvement experience and employability development. The personal background variables include gender, grade, faculty, dormitory experience, participation of student clubs and part-time jobs. Campus involvement experience include academic involvement, social involvement and extracurricular activity participation. Employability development consists of work responsibilities, discipline, continuous learning ability, problem solving ability, innovating ability, communication ability, team-working ability, stress resistance, career planning ability and leadership ability nine different variables. There are 572 valid samples in this research, including 225 male students and 347 female students. The results were analysis by descriptive Statistics, Independent-Sample t Test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment Correlation and Multiple regression analysis. The results are summarized as follows: 1.For Campus Involvement experience variable, Highest in interpersonal and lowest in attendance of extracurricular activities. 2.For Employability development variables, highest in work responsible discipline and lowest in extra-mural activities participation experience. 3.Different genders, faculty, dormitory experience, participation of student clubs and part-time jobs have significant differences on campus involvement. 4.Different genders, participation of student clubs and part-time jobs have significant differences on employability development. 5.Factors of campus involvement experience shows moderately correlations to employability development. 6.Academic involvement and interpersonal shows significant positive effects on employability. All extra-mural activities participation shows significant positive effects on employability, except working responsibility and discipline. The explanatory power is from 19.4% to 32.8%. According to these results, this research provides some suggestions towards university divisions, including developing great variety of attendance of extracurricular activities programs in order to raise higher campus involvement, helping university students to face employment development in future by understanding society trends and combine resources from different faculty and Student Affairs Office to improve students’ employability development. Suggestions towards university students are active participation in campus activities to gain their campus involvement experience, improve student and professors’ interaction to promote academic involvement and enhance connections to the society and understand the trends of society. Finally, suggests to further research are presented.




