  • 學位論文


A Research for Art Market Development of Ink Painting and Calligraphy during the Postwar Period in Taiwan - A Case Study through Jian Gu Zhai Gallery

指導教授 : 廖仁義


研究者出生於經營傳統書畫買賣的畫廊中,家父莊來進先生經營的鑑古齋於1974年營業至今,研究者於2012年至鑑古齋協助,才開始真正接觸畫廊的經營層面;然臺灣書畫產業,於戰後至今,隨著政經環境,慢慢的在變遷,本研究以至今經營46年的鑑古齋為例,探討其發展歷程,及因各種變化,所面臨的經營與策略轉變。 本研究以文獻分析法與訪談法去進行研究,先從臺灣書畫藝術發展、臺灣書畫產業發展、戰後水墨書畫的發展與書畫相關機關與產業,進行文獻分析,探討整體書畫產業的相關背景,再透過訪談鑑古齋創辦人莊來進先生的口述中,進行分析整理,了解鑑古齋於各個時期的經營與行銷模式,如戒嚴與解嚴時期、大陸經濟崛起、金融危機、新冠肺炎等對其的變化,並探討期間所面臨的困境與應對模式。 從探討鑑古齋中,去了解戰後臺灣書畫畫廊的部分轉變,主要可以從1960年代農業社會轉工業社會初期至今,也衍生了許多相關產業如藝術博覽會與拍賣公司等;然書畫產業至今仍在持續變化,盼以鑑古齋為案例之分析研究,對往後書畫畫廊的經營與因環境所衍生的困境,能做為參考。


The researcher was born in the gallery that focuses on ink painting and calligraphy. The researcher’s father, Chuang Lai Chiz, in 1974 established Jian Gu Zhai that is still in existence today. After working in high-tech, the researcher returned to Jian Gu Zhai to work and started to engage in gallery management from 2012. During the postwar period in Taiwan, Taiwanese painting and calligraphy market evolved with changes in the local political and economic environment. This case study is based on the experience of Jian Gu Zhai which has been in continuous operation for the last 46 years. To explore how the gallery’s strategy and business development evolved to meet the ever changing political and economic environment. This study uses document analysis and in-depth interview to do research. It begins with Taiwan art history, postwar Taiwanese painting and calligraphy development, ink painting and calligraphy development to do document analysis and then in-depth interview the founder of Jian Gu Zhai, Chuang Lai Chiz, to analyze the management and development in each period, such as the martial law period, the lifting of martial law period, the rise of Chinese economics period, global financial crisis period, and COVID-19 period. From this study, we can understand the transition of postwar Taiwanese galleries. Mainly focusing on the 1960’s which encompassed the shift from an agricultural society to industrial society and after, and these changes created new business types which are art fair, auction, and online platform. Until today, the art industry is still undergoing changes and constantly evolves with environment. The researcher hopes this case study can serve as a reference for anyone interested in this subject.


