  • 學位論文


Qualitative Case Study of the Paraprofessional to Support the Junior High School Student with Non-Verbal Autism Spectrum Disorder

指導教授 : 佘永吉


隨著融合教育積極推展與普遍,特教學生助理員成為普通班級中協助特殊學生融合的關鍵人力資源。本研究目的為探究一特教學生助理員輔助一位無口語自閉症國中生融合之歷程中所扮演之角色、協助融合狀況、及困境與需求。本研究採質性研究之個案研究法、透過12次半結構式訪談、學生助理員與家長之工作聯絡簿、研究者觀察紀錄與訪談省思為主要研究蒐集資料;並使用Nvivo.10進行編碼分析。本研究已申請國立臺灣師範大學倫理委員會並獲核准,案件編號為201810HS013。 研究結果發現特教學生助理員主要困境與需求在於校內行政單位為其事先預備工作不夠充足、學生助理員增進特教知能及獲得實務建議之管道狹隘、工作待遇低廉、與家長及無口語自閉症國中生溝通有礙、工作成就感低落、及有工作壓力釋放之需求。依據以上研究結果,研究者建議相關行政單位應有完善之事前規劃、學生助理員執行輔助過程間應有正式支援會議、積極提供特教學生助理員特教增能訊息與鼓勵參與研習、能創造多贏的普特合作夥伴關係,讓大部分一般教師具備基本特教知能而促進自身與同儕和資源生的融合進展、協助建立家長與學生助理員之溝通橋樑、回到需求者本身所需,傾聽資源生的輔助需求,重視他們才是真正的輔助核心。以上研究發現予相關教育實務工作者、家長及未來研究參考。 關鍵詞:無口語自閉症、特殊教育學生助理員、融合教育


With the prevalence of inclusive education, paraprofessionals became the main resources for disabled students in inclusive environment. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore a paraprofessional’s experiences, roles, problems encountered, and solutions used while assisting a student with non-verbal Autism spectrum disorder being included in a general education classroom. Adopting a case study approach, this study collected data by conducting semi-structured, in-depth interviews daily observations and by gathering relevant documents. Data analysis were used to solve the research questions of this study. This research proposal has been approval by IRB/REC No. 201810HS013, National Taiwan Normal University. The major findings about the difficulties of the paraprofessional include the administrative preparation is not comprehensive, there are insufficient methods to acquire special education knowledge and relevant suggestions, low hourly pay, communication barriers with parents and non-verbal-autistic students, a sense of defeat and need to de-stress. Additionally, based on the findings, there’re some recommendations for the school administration. The relevant people shall have prior preparation for paraprofessionals, conduct "formal" support meetings during the assisting process, provide paraprofessionals to enhance the methods and encourage participation in special education workshops, create win-win cooperation between general and special education, be a liaison between parents and paraprofessionals, and hold the assisted students in high regard and satisfy their needs. In conclusion, the study findings may serve as a guide for related practice or further research and extended to other studies. Keywords: non-verbal Autism spectrum disorder、paraprofessional、inclusive education


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