  • 學位論文


Relationships among Self-Efficacy, Achievement Motivation, Learning Engagement and Professional Competence Development on IT Training

指導教授 : 洪榮昭


依據內政部統計處所公布資料,我國大學生畢業生人數在2016年已超過500萬人,擁有大學以上文憑人口暴增,形成經濟學家所稱的文憑通膨現象。在此背景下,企業主重視專業能力更勝學歷,而要提升專業能力,則必需要先透過學習,學習投入會影響專業能力的成長。此外台灣素有電腦資訊王國之稱,政府也宣佈亞洲矽谷、電子化政府與智慧生活等計畫,誓將台灣打造成科技島,顯見藉由參與資訊課程受訓,透過學習投入來提升專業能力的重要性。本研究採取便利抽樣共回收400份問卷,以統計套裝軟體,使用敘述性統計分析、信效度分析與結構方程模型分析等進行統計量化分析,以參與資訊課程受訓為例,聚焦個人心理因素,探討自我效能、成就動機與學習投入的行為投入、情感投入、心智投入及專業能力成長之間的關係,依據統計結果發現: (1) 自我效能對於行為投入、情感投入與心智投入具有直接正向影響。 (2) 成就動機對於行為投入、情感投入與心智投入具有直接正向影響。 (3) 三種類型的投入對於專業能力成長具有直接正向影響。 (4) 自我效能與成就動機透過三種類型的投入作為中介,對於專業能力成長具有間接正向相關。


According to the information published by the Statistics Department of the Ministry of the Interior, the number of college graduates in Taiwan has exceeded 5 million in 2016. In this context, business owners attach more importance to professional competence than academic qualifications. To improve professional competence must first learn. The learning engagement may be influenced by personal traits, particular, self-efficacy and achievement motivation. To explore how self-efficacy and achievement motivation influence the perceived value, in terms of the development of competence of on-job training, the mediator of learning engagement of participants is taken into correlative study. In this study, a total of 400 questionnaires were collected from convenience sampling by sending to some social networks. After testing reliability and validity of questionnaire items and construct, structural equation modeling was applied to test the research model. According to statistical results, we found that: (1) self-efficacy can positively predict behavioral engagement, emotional engagement and cognitive engagement; (2) achievement motivation can positively predict behavioral engagement, emotional engagement and cognitive engagement; (3) three types of engagement can positively predict the development of professional competence; (4) self-efficacy and achievement motivation can positively predict the development of professional competence mediated by three types of learning engagement.


Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215.
Westland, J. C. (2010). Lower bounds on sample size in structural equation modeling. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 9(6), 476-487. doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2010.07.003
