  • 學位論文


Brand Communication Strategy in Health Supplement

指導教授 : 王仕茹


保健飲品的市場是健康食品領域中成長快速的,也因此市場的競爭更是非常的激烈。在各大企業爭相殺伐逐鹿的同時,對於產品研發、品牌經營,都非常的謹慎且積極。無不希望能夠贏得消費者的認同,並順利提升市場的佔有率,在市場得以有一席之地。都可以看出各家廠商無不費盡心思,覬覦在這格成長趨勢顯著的市場中贏得勝利,贏得消費者的信賴。 本研究藉由個案在實際操作上的經驗,研究健康飲品公司,在品牌管理經營的分析,藉個案公司的研究討論,了解一個跨國的雞精品牌,從USP理論來探討品牌的行銷溝通策略,發現產品的功效也就是產品的獨特性,在健康食品法規的限制下,必須經由健康食品的認證申請,才能夠有效的幫助品牌溝通。以因此各大廠商無不相繼投入健康食品認證的取得,並且從中連結並強化消費者對品牌的信任,縱而累積贏取市場的能力。 本研究透過一家擁有強大品牌資產的公司在市場上的實際運作,去歸納分析,其產業因為在健康食品的領域,對於產品廣宣相對有法規的限制下,產品功效與品牌的廣宣經營策略無法及時搭配運作食,最終會影響到品牌與消費者的溝通。這就是品牌溝通策略的形成與重要性,也考驗品牌經營及管理的能力。 本研究從消費者的調查找出其市場的實際功能需求,針對需求來找出產品的功效與定位,一方面配合法規申請健康食品認證,一方面藉由品牌的力量,去延伸品牌在新市場的經營,在市場上取得消費者的認同與佔有率。會是贏得健康飲品市場的好的方法。


ABSTRACT Health drink market is growing rapidly in the health food industry, and therefore it is a very harshly competitive market. Most of companies in this field are cautiously and positively competing by whatever or any means necessary in product development, brand management. All are aim to win over the consumer recognition and trust, to get more market shares at a certain important position or even successfully to dominate the market. The research is mainly focused on the brand communication strategy of a global leading Chicken-Essence company who has real hands-on experience in health drink market. Based on USP theory it is apparently proven that the brand is effectively communicating with consumers when health food is certified by Health Food Control Act in Taiwan. Therefore most of major brand companies have invested efforts on achieving the healthy food certification. Major brand players attempt to use the linkage of certification and brand awareness to strengthen the consumer trust and go further to get bigger and bigger market share of the product, and even in the product vertical markets. The result of this research has shown the adverse and unfavorable impact on brand communication with consumers since the product efficacy and product communication via channels and mass media could not be exactly consistent and complementary each other in this health food industry. From the case it is also indicated the importance of brand communication strategy which is the decisive factor of brand management. From the consumer survey of this research it has effectively come out the real consumer demand and functional requirements which could benefit the health drink companies to define product efficacy and position in the market that they expect to achieve. This should be operated in coordination with certificates from Health Food Control Act in Taiwan, and with extending brand management to acquire consumer awareness and market shares in the new markets. Key words: Health Drink, Brand Communication, Health Food certificates


(1) 曾馨誼(2011),國內保健食品產值既產業現況,中華穀類食品工業技術研究所
(2) 食品所(2014),2014食品產業年鑑
(3) 黃惠宇(2005),健康的食品健康吃,時報文化。
