  • 學位論文

手機遊戲產業全球行銷策略之研究-以芬蘭 Supercell公司為例

Study of Global marketing strategy for Mobile Games Industry in Taiwan: A Case Study of Supercell Oy

指導教授 : 董澤平


時至2018年,智慧型手機與行動上網已成為人們生活上不可或缺的必需品,行動類應用程式(以下簡稱app)也在Google Play與Apple Store上蓬勃發展,並在突破載具的限制後,正式在民眾生活中占有重要的角色。其中,手機遊戲市場發展迅速,根據市場數據分析機構NewZoo的調查報告指出,2018年全球行動遊戲(包括手機、平板遊戲)產值將衝破美金300億元(約新台幣 9,000億元),成為遊戲市場中占比最大的項目。而台灣整體遊戲市場產值在2012年已突破新台幣200億元,年增長率超過10%,其中行動遊戲營收表現更佳,不但Apple Store營收排名全球第十,Google Play更是擠入前五,顯示台灣行動遊戲市場的商機與規模不可小覷。      然而,行動遊戲市場在近年逐步成熟,進入廠商日益增加的情況下,也邁入高度競爭的市況。本研究將以芬蘭 Supercell公司為例,探討成功的手機遊戲在行銷策略上有何特殊之處,以做為日後相關公司進入產業之策略參考依據。


Up to this moment in 2018, the smart phones and mobile on line have become indispensable necessities in people's lives. The mobile applications hereinafter to be referred as apps are also booming on Google Play and Apple Store. It is formally plays an important role in the lives of the people after breaking the limits of vehicles. The mobile game market is growing rapidly. According to the survey report of the market data analysis organization, NewZoo, the global market size of mobile game (both mobile phones and tablets) will break $30 billion USD (~$900 billion TWD) and become the largest market for gaming. In 2012 the value of the game industry in Taiwan was estimated to be worth over NT$20 billion with annual growth exceeding 10%. Mobile game revenues have performed even better. Not only is Taiwan’s Apple Store ranked 10th in the world in revenue, but Google Play has managed to squeeze into the top 5. This shows the opportunity and scale of Taiwan’s mobile game market should not be overlooked. However, the mobile game market has gradually matured in recent years due to number of publishers enter the market has increasing largely in past year, which leads the market to an highly competitive level. This study uses Finnish Supercell as an example to examine the marketing strategies of successful mobile games. The results of the study will serve as a reference for businesses who wish to enter the mobile game industry.


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