  • 學位論文


The Study on Risk Factors of Myopia

指導教授 : 印永翔


世界衛生組織將近視列為十大急需控制眼科疾病之一,因此,瞭解影響近視因素,進而做有效地控制,係一重要且值得研究之課題。本研究旨在檢視先天遺傳因素與後天環境因素對近視度數及度數加深速度之影響為何。此外,本研究亦檢視近視患者及孩童父母之視力保健與近視防治相關知識正確與否對近視度數和度數加深速度之影響為何。 本研究採問卷調查方式,研究對象包括:(1)學齡前學童、在學學生及其家長;(2)成年近視病患。問卷調查結果顯示,父親或母親有近視、過長時間的近距離用眼學習閱讀與補習、居住在城市地區,罹患近視機會增加,且近視度數較深。使用3C產品時間過長,會導致一年內近視度數增加幅度較大。戶外運動與睡眠時間越長者,其近視度數越低。視力保健與近視防治相關知識較佳的家長,孩童近視度數較低。過去一年近視增加的度數以小學的孩童為最多,高中的孩童為最少。此外,開始發生近視的年齡愈低,近視度數愈深且一年內度數增加量較多。因此,我們可以知道近視開始發生的年齡和近視度數有極高的相關性。並且建議學童們要有充足的戶外活動與睡眠的時間,以達到更好的視力控制的目標。


Myopia has been listed as the one of the top ten priority eye diseases by World Health Organization (WHO). Therefore, knowing the related risk factors of myopia is a worthwhile topic for further research. This study is to examine the impacts of hereditary factors as well as environmental factors to myopia progression. Also, the knowledge of vision care of the myopic patients and their parents were evaluated to see if it’s correlated to the myopia progression. This study was based on a questionnaire survey conducted on children under the age of 20 and their parents, and adult myopic patients. It appeared that children with high myopic parents were more likely to be myopic. Also, excessive long period time of nearwork and study, and living in urban areas were also factors related to myopia progression. The more frequent use of 3C products would aggregate the myopia progression. In contrast, the more physical exercise they engaged, and the longer time of sleep they had, the less likely they were myopic. The better knowledge of vision care of the parents, the less myopic their children were. The earlier onset of myopia, the more myopic they were, and the more annually progression of their myopia were also noted. Therefore, we suggest that adequate outdoor activities, enough sleep, and better knowledge of vision care are important factors to avoid myopia progression.


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