  • 學位論文


Relevance Analysis of General Family Wealth Management Planning Objectives and Assessment Factors

指導教授 : 賴慧文


本論文基於台灣一般家庭中以不超過五人的核心成員組成為對象。對於短/中長期 家庭經營目標普遍存在理財規劃的需求,並且於現今資訊通訊快速變化的時代,家庭成員可接收的投資機會方案繁多且普遍,不論是金融機構的理財專家主動的提供方案,或是媒體廣告依使用著瀏覽喜好而挑選推播的投資訊息,以及家庭成員的主要經濟來源供給者會依個人過去經驗的喜好而進行的投資理財活動,這些內外在的環境因素都成為家庭經營目標最終是否能達成的風險條件。也由於大部分的核心家庭成員並不一定具備投資理財相關專業評估能力,對於外在環境提供的理財資訊多半處於被動接收與依憑品牌印象和個人感官喜好而決定,結果將使家庭短/中長期欲達成的經營目標,如汪洋中的一條船航向茫茫的未來,或許最終順利靠岸完成目標,也或許漂至小島休憩雖方向正確並累積部分財富,減輕要達成目標的壓力,但也可能翻覆於大海中完全無投資效益且承擔風險卻徒勞無功。 因此依照上述的說明,本研究希望提供兩項可達成的目的:第一,在核心家庭的投資目標當中,透過本研究的分析,提出一套可依據『家庭條件評估因子』而規劃並適用於台灣一般核心家庭的財富投資模型;第二,探索不同財富投資工具類別對於家庭不同階段理財需要的影響性與適用程度。本次論文撰寫為了提供相對客觀且專業統計數字,將採專家問卷並以量化的方式進行研究,以增加財富投資模型的價值性。


This thesis is based on Taiwan’s nuclear family typically centering on a married couple with no more than five family members. There is a general need for financial planning for short/medium- and long-term family goals. In today's fast-changing world of information and communication technologies, the investment opportunities available to family members are numerous and widespread. These investment opportunities include suggestions from financial advisors of financial institutions, the investment messages chosen by media advertisements to campaign according to the browsing preferences, and the investment activities chosen by major financial supporters of a family according to the preferences of their past experience. These internal and external environmental factors have become the risky conditions for the ultimate goal of family wealth management. Also, since most of the core family members do not necessarily have the abilities to evaluate investment information, the financial decisions are usually made based on passive acceptance, brand impression or personal sensory preferences. The results will lead the family's short- and mid-term financial goals to the unknown future, just like a small ship in a big sea. It may eventually land smoothly to achieve the goal, or perhaps drift to the island, although the direction is correct, accumulating part of the wealth, and reducing the pressure to achieve the goal. It may also be overturned in the sea without investment benefits and only risk taking in vain. The aim of this thesis is twofold. First, through the analysis of this study, a set of wealth investment models for the nuclear family in Taiwan are proposed based on the “family status assessment factors”. Second, this thesis explores the impacts and applications of various wealth investment tools on the financial needs in different stages of the family. In order to provide relatively objective and professional statistics, this thesis utilizes expert questionnaires and quantitative analysis to increase the value of the wealth investment models.


1. 邱皓政(2011)。『量化研究與統計分析(五版) 』,五南出版社
2. 中華民國證券商業同業公會(2014)。『財富管理規劃與實務(增修訂五版) 』,宏典文化出版社
3. 屈立楷;唐曉瑩 (2009)。『家庭財富管理秘笈』,宏典文化出版社
4. 陸劍清 (2017)。『行為金融學(第2版)』,清華大學出版社
