  • 學位論文


Exploring the organizational capabilities of IT channel: A single case study

指導教授 : 陳怡靜


在全球進入低毛利競爭與資訊科技商品週期的快速發展下,通路商更需要提升自我的競爭優勢,這競爭優勢需依賴著企業不斷自我提昇及找到自我的核心價值,才能維持穩定獲利成長。本研究以台灣第一大通路商聯強國際為分析對象,研究其30年來在競爭激烈的環境下,以如何的組織能耐來因應改變,做到「穩健、持續、成長」。不但連續17年獲得台灣最佳國際品牌,也是唯一獲獎的通路品牌,更不受限於台灣市場,積極擴展到亞太、美、印,成為亞太第一,全球第二大的資訊、通訊、消電、半導體的通路集團。 通路商不僅在扮演經銷通路的佈建外,還具備有售後服務、物流中心、金流等多重角色,如何從商品整合規劃及面對不同屬性通路,實際精算出不同通路所需的實際商品運作成本,以作為市場策略並能維持整體公司的經營策略。 本研究針對資訊通路商的組織能耐內容觀點,就領銜能耐的16項內容來檢視聯強國際這30年來的組織能耐。先區分為三大類別來看,一、從市場應變的組織能耐:建倉儲物流維修,訂定多領域、多類別、多品牌為銷售宗旨,善用系統架構,整合上下游系統架接。二、管理的組織能耐:建立財務營銷、運籌、風險、人資、商務、技服等七大品管室,主掌集團各營運功能的政策制度規劃與營運品質管控。三、企業人才培育。從這三大類別的組織能耐來探討通路商如何在產業快速變化且毛利愈來愈微薄的狀況下,不斷超越自我優勢。 本研究是採用個案研究方法,以參與觀察法,以研究者本人進行觀察者做深度研究,研究者曾任職於台灣二大資訊通路商,並在聯強國際累積了20年的工作年資,透過個人的參與,負責該通路商的自有品牌開發運作及無數的系統代理品牌、觀察聯強國際實際的運作層面,並搜集了聯強國際歷年的月報、季報、年報等資料進行分析,其研究結果為30年來對聯強國際的經營觀察、如何在資訊通路上廣耘深耕,因應各品牌的差異及通路屬性的變化、透過強大系統運作及人員培養訓練,經由時間的軌跡與驗證了Grant所提的知識整合能力,以16項的領銜組織能耐為檢核標準,找到聯強國際的經營知識核心,是為聯強國際30年來能持續成長的優勢與獨特的能耐。這正也就是組織能耐的意涵,組織能耐即為企業內部資源的組合,故透過整理分析找到聯強的競爭優勢,正所謂資源成就能耐,能耐成就競爭優勢。 本文最後以策略形態分析法針對目前聯強台灣資訊部門的經營狀況提出對聯強國際的四點策略構想。一、導入經銷商的進銷存管理,以流量直接配送到各經銷據點。二、擴大商品代理型態,以開發新商品找尋與舊通路的黏著點並開發新通路,藉以增加機會導入成熟性商品。三、將通路產業精細劃分,更加精緻深耕。四、善用系統工具,運用最新的市場行銷工具,精準傳遞訊息到對的經銷夥伴。以這四點策略構想做為對聯強國際未來研究之建議。


In the low competitive profit margin and rapid growth of the period of IT products, IT distributors need to improve their competitive advantages. In order to maintain the stable growth of profit, companies have to improve themselves and find out their core values. The study chose Synnex Technology International Corporation which is the biggest IT distributor in Taiwan as sample. In order to achieve the company’s three purposes (stability, continuance, and development), the study wants to understand the content of organizational capabilities that Synnex Technology International Corporation demonstrates. It has received many best rewards from Branding Taiwan. Furthermore, it has also expanded their business to Asia Pacific, U.S.A, and India and became a group that has many distribution channels of businesses. Distributors not only need to build channels but also have many other works such as after-sales service, working at logistics centre and managing cash flow. In addition, distributors need to plan and integrate products and adapt different kinds of channels. Distributors also have to calculate accurate cost from different channels which is an important strategy. In terms of IT distributors, the study used sixteen items of organizational capabilities to explore Synnex Technology International Corporation’s organizational capabilities during thirty years. We found that there are three dimensions for organizational capabilities in Synnex Technology International Corporation. First dimension is market (build the system of warehouse, logistics and repair, expand multi-domain products, multi-type products and multi-brand products, make good use of system, integrate upstream and downstream). Second dimension is management (build quality control of departments of financial marketing, operation, risk management, human resource, business and technical service, manage every functions’ policies and plan the best plans for quality control). Third dimension is training. The study adopted these dimensions and tried to understand how they help Synnex Technology International Corporation to extend its advantages in the state of low profit margin and fast-changing industry. The study used case study and participant observation as research methods. The researcher had worked for the second biggest IT distribution company in Taiwan and has already worked for Synnex Technology International Corporation for twenty years. Through many distribution projects that the researcher has participated, moreover, the researcher collected monthly reports, quarterly reports and annual reports. The study used these experiences to observe the company’s operation and wants to understand how Synnex Technology International Corporation developed and adapted different characteristics about brands and channels. By training employees and operating continually, the study found that Synnex Technology International Corporation’s knowledge integration capabilities are advantageous and unique organizational capabilities and can fit organizational capabilities which was proposed by Grant. After that, the study adopted strategic matrix analysis to propose strategic postures that IT department in Synnex Technology International Corporation can execute. The study found that there are four strategic postures that the study advises for future research. First, importing system for management of dealers’ purchase, sales and inventory that supplies data flow for the company to delivery commodities to sales points. Second, we suggest extending commodity agencies such as developing new products to connect old channels and developing new channels to increase more mature commodities. Third, the company can distinguish channels more carefully. Finally, the company can make good use of systems or tools, such as adopting the newest marketing tools to send accurate information to dealers.


