  • 學位論文

探討科學研究機構運用社群媒體之宣傳成效—以Open House宣傳活動為例

A study of the communication effectiveness of social media: using the Open House campaign of a scientific research institute as an example

指導教授 : 沈永正


大眾媒體提供科學知識,引導我們理解關注;民眾透過媒體、參與科學活動認識科學。科學研究機構藉由媒體傳播科學知識,尤其新興社群媒體出現後,為傳遞科學知識、宣傳科學活動,帶來更豐富多元的選擇和服務,雙向、互動、共享的特性,使得科學傳播行銷手法更為推陳出新。 本研究好奇,科學研究機構將社群媒體作為自媒體,在舉辦科學外展活動—Open House宣傳活動時,社群對於科學研究機構宣傳效果是否有正向幫助、若有宣傳幫助則幫助何在。因此,社群媒體對平台之貼文層級與用戶反應層級的關係、對應訊息內容傳達的達成性、社群媒體平台與傳統媒體相比,其互動與功效性、社群媒體吸引民眾之關注性及忠誠度維持等,均為本研究關心的問題。 利用研究發現,討論如何善用內容,可強化宣傳成效。本研究以個案Facebook粉絲專頁,運用經典的消費者反應層級模式AIDA分類宣傳活動之貼文及各類回應,經過分析與對應,研究重要結果如下: 一、從粉絲數、活動總參觀人數及宣傳活動之貼文的各類回應數逐年增加的趨勢來看,社群媒體正向幫助科學研究機構宣傳及維持活動熱度。 二、提高宣傳活動貼文之AIDA層級,可推升回應層級,為活動帶來更好的宣傳效果。 三、Facebook留言及標註功能,擴大機構與用戶及用戶之間的互動,營造社群感,有助於提升宣傳成效。 社群媒體的特性帶來貼文及留言互動的結果,為活動暖身及保持熱度,拉抬活動人氣及宣傳效果,對於科學研究機構傳活動有正向幫助。


Mass media have become the most prominent channel for the public to gain knowledge about science and to participate in scientific activities. This research aims to explore how scientific research institutions disseminate scientific knowledge and engage with general public through media, especially social media characterizing with two-way, interactive, and innovative communication. It takes an annual Open House campaign as an example to examine how the research institution makes use of social media and to what extent social media have benefitted the publicity and interaction with the public. By applying AIDA Model, a classical model useful for understanding consumer response and thus communication effectiveness, this research gathers, categorizes, and analyzes posts as well as responses, mainly on Facebook Fan page, from users in relation to the one-day activity. This study points out that, despite a nascent trend, social media have made an impact on promoting activities and engaging with potential participants. Key results of the study are as follows: 1. Social media have played a significant role in promoting activities and maintaining publicity of scientific research institutions. Evidence can be observed through the trend of increasing number of fans, total number of visitors to the event, and the number of various responses to the posts of promotional activities. 2. Elevation of the level of campaign post according to AIDA model can promote the response level and bring better publicity effect for the activity. 3. Facebook message and annotation functions have been seen to improve the effectiveness of publicity, expand the interaction between organization and end users, and create a sense of community. This research concludes that social media have the potential of enhancing interaction, warming up and maintaining the activity, raising the popularity and publicity effect of the event, and will positively help the scientific research institutions to spread the event.


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