  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships of High School EFL Learners’ Listening Performance to Listening Anxiety and Tolerance of Ambiguity

指導教授 : 程玉秀


高中英語聽力測驗自2015年起被納為大學入學檢定之一,近55所大專院校校系亦採計英語聽力測驗成績作為入學門檻,顯見強化英語聽力是教學現場一大重要目標。為了在有限的教學時數中以學習者為中心、有效提升學生英語聽力的學習成效,教師有其必要關注並了解不同學習者因素對英語聽力學習可能造成的影響。本研究旨在探討聽力焦慮以及模糊容忍度對於高中階段學習者英語聽力表現的影響,進而了解(一)高中生聽力表現與其聽力焦慮及模糊容忍度之關係。(二)聽力焦慮及模糊容忍度對高中生英語表現之預測力。   本研究取樣對象為臺北某公立高中之223位高二學生。施測過程中,受試者先接受全民英檢中級聽力測驗,並於聽力測驗結束後填寫基本資料,且依據施測時的經驗,加以填寫英語聽力焦慮量表(SLLAS)和模糊容忍度量表(MSTAT-I),以利研究者後續進行檢視與資料分析。研究者透過描述性數據、皮爾森相關積差相關係數,以及複迴歸分析統計檢視受試者的聽力焦慮及模糊容忍度的程度。   研究顯示高中生的聽力表現與其聽力焦慮及模糊容忍度的程度皆有顯著相關,其中聽力焦慮與聽力表現的關係較高、呈現負相關,而模糊容忍度與聽力表現的關係較低、呈現正相關。研究結果亦發現,在此二學習者因素中,僅聽力焦慮對其聽力表現具有預測力。依據研究發現,本研究就高中英語聽力教學及未來的研究提供進一步的建議。


Since 2015, listening comprehension test has been included as a part in the college entrance system, with around 55 departments setting a certain bar for their applicants, which highlights the importance of the instruction and training of English listening skills. With a view to effectively enhancing learners’ English listening ability within the limited class hours and under the learner-centered spirit, it is crucial that teachers understand the potential influences different learner variables may have on one’s listening performance. The present study investigated the relationship of high school learners’ English listening performance to two learner variables, listening anxiety and tolerance of ambiguity. In addition, the current study also explored which of the two learner variables can serve as a significant and better predictor of high school learners’ English listening performance. The participants of the current study were 223 eleventh graders recruited from a municipal high school in Taipei, Taiwan. An English listening comprehension test retrieved from the intermediate level of General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) was administered to assess the participants’ listening proficiency, which was followed by a background questionnaire, Second Language Listening Anxiety Scale (SLLAS), and Multiple Stimulus Types Ambiguity Tolerance Scale (MSTAT-I) so as to obtain their basic personal information and to evaluate their level of listening anxiety and tolerance of ambiguity. Descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, and multiple regression analyses were employed for data analysis. The results indicated that both listening anxiety and tolerance of ambiguity significantly correlated with high school learners’ listening performance, with listening anxiety having a higher correlation. While tolerance of ambiguity was positively correlated with listening performance, the correlation between listening anxiety and listening performance was negative. Furthermore, the results also unveiled that between the two learner variables, only listening anxiety could serve as a significant predictor for high school learners’ listening performance. Based on the findings, some suggestions for future studies and for instruction in high school English classes are provided.


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