  • 學位論文


A Research of Current Usage of National Museum Marine Science & Technology as Educational Resourceas by Junior High School Teachers in Keelung

指導教授 : 廖學誠


本研究探討基隆市國民中學教師運用國立海洋科技博物館教學資源進行教學活動之概況,海科館位於基隆市,探討基隆市國中教師如何運用地利之便,運用海科館資源進行教學活動及遭遇之困難,以基隆市103學年度公立國中教師為研究對象,實施問卷調查。研究目的為: 一、瞭解基隆市國中教師對海科館教學資源的瞭解程度。二、瞭解基隆市國中教師運用海科館教學資源進行教學活動之概況。三、瞭解基隆市國中教師帶領學生參觀海科館之困難及障礙因素。使用的統計方法有1.次數分配與百分比2.平均數與標準差3. Chi-square考驗4.獨立樣本 t 考驗等方法;並輔以個人的訪談,訪談對象為研究者所服務之學校利用海科館教育活動與資源進行教學之教師,了解其使用海科館教學資源的概況及所遭遇之困難; 藉以瞭解不同背景變項的基隆市國中教師對海科館教學資源的瞭解程度、教學資源運用情形、帶領學生參觀海科館之困難及障礙因素。期能透過本研究結果,作為未來國民中學與海科館推動教育活動之參考,並提供具體建議,供館校合作之參考。


This research investigates current usage of National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium as educational resources by junior high school teachers in Keelung. Since National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium is situated in Keelung, this paper examines how junior high school teachers take advantage of the favorable geographical position to teach and the difficulties they encountered. A questionnaire was conducted among junior high school teachers in 103 school year. The aims of the research are: 1. To understand the teachers’ knowledge level of the educational resources of National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium. 2. To survey the current usage of the museum resources to design educational activities. 3. To analyze the difficulty and hindrance factors of the students’ visiting of the museum leading by the teachers. The statistical methods used are: 1. Frequency distribution and Percentage 2. Mean and Standard deviation 3. Chi-square test 4. Independent samples t-test and individual interviews. Interviewees are the teachers in the school where the researcher works, who utilize the museum educational activities and resources, so as to understand their situation and difficulties encountered. Through understanding junior high school teachers of different background variables, their knowledge level of museum resources, actual situation of usage and difficulty and hindrance factors of taking student to visit the museum, we hope the result of this research could provide a concrete approach to promoting educational activities between junior high schools and National Museum of Marine Science & Technology.


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