  • 學位論文


The Effects of the Mnemonic Keyword Method on the Acquisition of Novel Vocabulary:A Case Study of a Junior High School in Taipei City

指導教授 : 劉宇挺


第二語言學習的研究者常指出,諧音法能夠幫助學習者記憶單字。然而,針對如何有效減緩學習者遺忘單字的速度之研究仍相當缺乏。因此,本研究旨在探討如何減緩諧音法學習者的遺忘速度,以及文字或圖像何者為更佳的視覺輔助。本研究包含為期五周的實驗、個別訪談,以及研究者在課堂中的觀察紀錄,研究對象為四個班共111名八年級生。研究結果顯示調整諧音法的教學順序能夠減緩學生對單字的遺忘速度,且文字為更佳的視覺輔助。總結而言,此研究希望能解釋諧音法如何促進學生單字學習並如何減緩諧音法的遺忘速度,英語教師也可藉此進一步了解在教室中使用諧音法的相關資訊。 關鍵字:視覺輔助、遺忘速度、諧音法


視覺輔助 遺忘速度 諧音法


Researchers in second language learning have often suggested that the keyword method would likely facilitate learners’ vocabulary learning. However, research on how to effectively reduce the steepness of the forgetting rate is scant. Therefore, this study explores how to make the acquired vocabulary more robust and investigates which encoding cue, word or picture, facilitates learners’ later retrieval. This research involved a five-week experiment, several interviews, and the researcher’s classroom observations. Four classes of 111 eighth graders were recruited for the study. The results of this study revealed that the adjusted teaching sequence of the keyword method made the acquired vocabulary more robust, and that word encoding cues worked better than picture encoding cues. To conclude, this study may be of importance in explaining how the keyword method facilitates junior high school students’ English vocabulary learning, as well as in providing English teachers with a better understanding when adopting the keyword method in their classrooms. Key words: encoding cue, forgetting rate, the keyword method


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