  • 會議論文

Creative Phonics Instruction: An Example of Elementary School Extra English Classes in Taipei County



「創意」是我國近年來各學科教育的重點,創意教學更是啓發學生學習動機與提升學習成效的一種有效方法。本研究為一初探性研究,其目的在探索創意發音教學對於國小學生英語發音之學習成效,並依此建立英語發音創意教學之課程。 創意發音教學的精神在於學生經由實作與行動的方式,主動建構其所學的知識,並鼓勵學生發揮創意與想像力,此觀點符合建構主義的教學觀點。 本研究之創意發音教學之方案,乃根據研究者與某國小英語教師團隊,共同設計與發展。研究對象為台北縣某國小課後英語班兩個班,國小一年級與二年級之學生共六十四名,由研究者經歷為時一個學期之創意發音教學,研究過程中進行教學檔案、學習檔案之記錄與收集,並於學習末進行學習評量,包括:發音覺知(phonological awareness)、學習態度(learning attitude questionnaire)之問卷調查,以評估教學成效與學生之學習態度。 本研究結果發現,在性別上國小女生較男生在發音覺知與學習態度上的表現佳;在年級上,年級較高者(二年級)較一年級在發音的表現佳,且有比較正面的態度:同樣的,具有校外補習經驗的學生,都有比較正面的學習成效與學習態度。最後,根據研究結果提出未來研究與教學上的建議。


建構主義 創造力 發音教學


Creative teaching is a good method for both students and teachers, and has been employed in many subjects. As for EFL young learners, creative phonics instruction is an effective method for EFL young learners and could increase pupils' classroom situational interest and learning motivation. Two extra English classes with a total of sixty-four elementary students in Taipei County participated in this study. The creative phonics instruction is designed by several senior English teachers, and is taught by the same teacher for a semester. Students were given phonological awareness tasks and a learning attitude questionnaire at the end of the semester as quantitative measurement. The data showed that most students have a positive attitude toward phonics learning and the teacher. The independent t-test indicated that female students have higher scores than males in two scales and second graders also have higher scores than first graders in the learning attitude scale and phonological awareness tasks. In addition, these young students with other learning experience have higher scores than those without. The main conclusion reached is that; creative phonics instruction could be a useful approach in phonics teaching and still needs further curriculum development and research investigation.
