  • 學位論文


The Correlative Study of Almost Perfect, Mental Health and Subjective Well-being: Perfectionistic Self-Presentation and Emotion Regulation as Mediators

指導教授 : 陳秀蓉


本研究旨在探討大學生的完美主義特質下,完美的自我呈現、情緒調節策略和負向心健康、幸福感之間的相關、預測力與中介效果。本研究採用問卷調查的方式,向台灣北北基地區的大專院校學生進行施測,有效樣本638人。根據問卷所得資料進行統計分析,分析方法為描述統計、驗證性因素分析、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、階層迴歸分析。本研究主要發現如下: 一、大學生的「幾近完美主義特質」與「負向心理健康」或「幸福感」有顯著相關。大學生的「幾近完美主義特質」與「完美的自我呈現」有顯著相關。大學生的「幾近完美主義特質」與「情緒調節策略」有顯著相關。大學生的「完美的自我呈現」與「負向心理健康」或「幸福感」有顯著相關。大學生的「完美的自我呈現」與「情緒調節策略」有顯著相關。大學生的「情緒調節策略」與「負向心理健康」或「幸福感」有顯著相關。 二、「幾近完美主義特質」(落差、高標準、井井有條)、「完美的自我呈現」、「情緒調節策略」可以解釋「負向心理健康」35%的變異量,其中以「接納策略」的預測力最高。「落差」、「高標準」、「完美的自我呈現」具有正向預測力,「井井有條」、「接納策略」具有負向預測力。 三、「幾近完美主義特質」(落差、高標準、井井有條)、「完美的自我呈現」、「情緒調節策略」可以解釋「幸福感」41%的變異量,其中以「接納策略」的預測力最高;大學生的「落差」、「完美的自我呈現」具有負向預測力,「高標準」、「井井有條」、「再評估策略」、「接納策略」具有正向預測力。 四、「完美的自我呈現」在「落差」與「負向心理健康」或「幸福感」的部分中介效果成立,在「高標準」與「負向心理健康」的部分中介效果成立;完美的自我呈現在大學生的「落差」與「幸福感」的部分中介效果成立。  五、三種情緒調節策略在大學生的「幾近完美主義特質」與「負向心理健康」或「幸福感」的部分中介效果如下,「接納策略」在大學生的「落差」與「負向心理健康」的部分中介效果成立,「再評估策略」、「接納策略」分別在「落差」與「幸福感」的部分中介效果成立,「再評估策略」在「井井有條」與「幸福感」的部分中介效果成立。 六、三種情緒調節策略在大學生的「完美的自我呈現」與「負向心理健康」或「幸福感」的部分中介效果成立,其中「接納策略」在大學生的「完美的自我呈現」與「負向心理健康」的部分中介效果成立;「接納策略」在大學生的「完美的自我呈現」與「幸福感」的完全中介效果成立。 本研究最後依據上述研究結果,針對大專院校諮商與輔導工作,提出具體建議以供參考。


The present study was to examine the relationships among almost perfect, perfectionistic self-presentation, emotion regulation, mental health and subjective well-being. The research is based on a collection of questionnaires distributed to a sample of 638 college students from Taipei Metropolitan Area in Taiwan. A method of accidental sampling is adopted. All the collected data are respectively analyzed by frequency distribution, one-way ANOVA, pearson product-moment correlation, and hierarchical regression analysis. The major findings of the study were as follows: 1.Almost perfect was significant related to negative mental health and subjective well-being. Almost perfect was significant related to perfectionistic self-presentation. Almost perfect was significant related to emotion regulation. Perfectionistic self-presentation was significant related to negative mental health and subjective well-being. Perfectionistic self-presentation was significant related to emotion regulation. Emotion regulation were significant related to negative mental health and subjective well-being. 2.College student’s almost perfect, perfectionistic self-presentation, and emotion regulation that could predict negative mental health and account for 35% variance, and acceptance was the most dominant factor in predicting negative mental health. High scores of discrepancy, standard, and perfectionistic self-presentation that could increase negative mental health. High scores of order and acceptance that could decreased negative mental health. 3.College student’s almost perfect, perfectionistic self-presentation, and emotion regulation that could predict subjective well-being and account for 41% variance, and acceptance was the most dominant factor in predicting subjective well-being. High scores of discrepancy, and perfectionistic self-presentation that could decreased subjective well-being. High scores of standard, order, reappraise, and acceptance that could increase subjective well-being. 4.Perfectionistic self-presentation has partial mediation effect between discrepancy and negative mental health. Perfectionistic self-presentation has partial mediation effect between standard and negative mental health. Perfectionistic self-presentation has partial mediation effect between discrepancy and subjective well-being. 5.Acceptance has partial mediation effect between discrepancy and negative mental health. Reappraise has partial mediation effect between discrepancy and subjective well-being. Acceptance has partial mediation effect between discrepancy and subjective well-being. Reappraise has partial mediation effect between order subjective well-being. 6.Acceptance has partial mediation effect between perfectionistic self-presentation and negative mental health. Acceptance has full mediation effect between perfectionistic self-presentation and subjective well-being. Based on the results, implications of the study were discussed, and suggestions for further research were proposed.


