  • 學位論文


Creations Research on “Rudolf Arnheim’s Visual Perception Theory from Gestalt Psychology”- The Painting Discourse of Chiyun Chang

指導教授 : 蘇憲法


個體透過不斷地經驗累積,重新構築人格和價值觀,進而形成成熟的個體。根據完形治療學派的概念,個體精神的構成為許多完形所組成,每個完形為個體成長的階段,皆因外力而重新崩壞再構築。筆者的創作內容「未竟事務」即為完形治療學派的一環,並意圖體現此現象本身、以及筆者生命中覺察到的未竟之事,表現個體對於生命經驗完形的渴望。以視覺張力與虛幻空間之表現,來呈現內心各種不協調、卻試圖平衡的心理運動狀態。此一心理現象為筆者創作內容之核心,運用畫面中各種元素與背景的互動,去詮釋個體在自我調節中各種不平衡與變化。筆者以自身的生活體驗作為靈感來源,保留其最單純的象徵物,著墨在元素之間、元素與背景的互動,達到語彙的純粹。   本研究在探討心理狀態於平面繪畫上的表現。本文共分五章,第一章緒論,介紹研究動機與創作目的。第二章探討創作理念和學理基礎,第一節探討心理現象和表現主義、第二節探究植物圖像的移情作用,第三節討論具象、半具象到抽象的表現形式。第三章介紹筆者系列作品的表現方式與媒材,以安海姆(Rudolf Arnheim,1904~2007)視知覺形式理論為主。第四章詳細介紹創作理念與想法。最後一章則是對本論文作總結,以及對未來創作的展望。


By gaining experiences, an individual rebuilds his personality and value, and then becomes a mature one. According to Gestalt Therapy, individual spirit consists of many gestalts (compositions.) Each gestalt is a phase while growing up. They collapse and reconstruct through external forces. The author’s work “Unfinished Business” is a part of Gestalt Therapy. It presents the phenomenon itself, and the unfinished thing the author perceives in her life. It shows an individual’s desire toward life gestalt. Furthermore, by means of visual tension and virtual space, it displays the psychological motion state to balance the lacking in coordination inside. The psychological phenomenon is the core of the author’s content. The author uses each feature to interact with the background, and explains every imbalance and change in self-adjustment. She takes personal life experiences as her inspirations, keeps the purest symbol, and works hard in elements and their background. This way shows the purity of what she wants to convey. The research is aim to discuss the psychological states of painting’s performance. The paper has five chapters. In chapter one, it introduces the author’s motivation and the purpose. Next, it discusses the author’s creation concept and theoretical basis. At the beginning of this chapter, it talks about psychological phenomenon and expressionism. Then, it studies empathy of the botanical images. Last, it discusses the form from concrete to semi-abstract. In chapter three, it introduces the way and material of the author’s serial work. Most of them are based on Rudolf Arnheim’s (1904~2007)Visual Perception. In chapter four, it talks about the author’s creation concepts and thoughts in detail. In the last chapter, it concludes the whole paper and mention the expectation about the author’s future work.


一、 中文參考資料
2.何政廣 主編《孟克:北歐表現派先驅》台北:藝術家出版社,1996。
3.何政廣 主編《歐姬芙:沙漠中的花朵》台北:藝術家出版社,1999。
