  • 學位論文


A case study on the problems and coping ways of the junior high school stepmother teachers’ classroom management.

指導教授 : 王秀玲


本研究在探討國中後母班教師班級經營的困擾與因應策略,主要研究目的有三:一為了解國中後母班教師班級經營之困擾、第二探討國中後母班教師班級經營困擾的因應策略、第三則是研析國中後母班教師班級經營的策略。 本研究採用質性研究法,研究參與者為四位國中後母班。過程中使用個別、焦點團體訪談與文件分析法,搭配錄音與教師省思札記進行資料的蒐集與分析,根據文獻探討、研究發現與討論,獲得的研究結論如下: 壹、人際互動層面:後母班教師接班後的要務為與學生建立友善的師生關係、與家長建立互信的溝通管道、與任課教師建立互助的合作關係。 貳、訓育輔導層面:釋出善意以收服意見領袖或特殊個案學生,並多用鼓勵取代懲罰,循序漸進推動班級規定。 叁、課程與教學層面:教師運用學科專業知識幫助學生學習,激發學生學習動機、培養讀書風氣與建立學習信心。 肆、行政事務層面:學校交辦的行政事務可以幫助教師認識學生,學校活動也是增進師生關係的契機。 伍、教室環境層面:教師要有自信心,不受前任導師影響,與學生共同營造煥然一新的教室環境與充滿正向支持、有愛的教室氛圍。 陸、承接前一任導師的班級經營風格是主要困擾來源,後母班教師能善加利用改變策略與做好心理準備,換個角度思考,便可以減少班級經營困擾。 最後根據研究結果,針對國中後母班教師的班級經營,向師資培育機構、學校行政單位、國中後母班教師與後續相關研究提供具體建議。


This study aims to investigate the stepmother teacher classroom management problems and coping ways. The objectives are: (1) to understand the problems of stepmother teacher classroom management; (2) to explore the coping ways of stepmother teacher classroom management; (3) to investigate the classroom management strategies of stepmother teacher. This study adopted the qualitative research methods. The participants of this research were four junior high school stepmother class teachers. Data were collected through individual, focus group interviews and document analysis, with the recording and teachers’ reflection notes. The finding of the this study are summarized below: 1. The first important thing of stepmother class teacher is creating good relationships with the students, parents and the teachers. 2. To understand and care about the leaders and special students of the class. And to promote the class rules step by step. 3.Teachers use professional knowledge to help students learn and inspire the motivation, develop reading atmosphere and build confidence of learning. 4. Do the best of the school administrative matters. Make good use of school activities, that's an opportunity to enhance the relationship between teachers and students. 5. Teachers should have self-confidence, not to affect by former teacher. Creating a brand-new classroom environment and full of positive support, love of the classroom atmosphere. 6. Using the changing strategy, another perspective, stepmother classes can reduce the number of problems. In the end, according to research findings, providing specific recommendations for teachers, teacher education institutions, school administrative, junior high school stepmother class teacher and subsequent studies.


