  • 學位論文


A case study on the content, problems and coping ways of the elementary school beginning teachers’ class management

指導教授 : 王秀玲


國小初任教師班級經營內容、困擾 與因應方式之個案研究 中文摘要 本研究旨在探究國小初任教師班級經營實際內容、遭遇之困擾與採用的因應方式。本研究為個案研究,邀請兩位中年級初任教師參與研究,以訪談為主,輔以文件分析與觀察進行資料的蒐集,經整理、分析與討論之後,提出結論與建議,以供參考。本研究結論如下: 壹、班級經營內容: 一、兩位初任教師在幹部選擇、處理學校交辦的行政事務、獎班級目標等 班級行政經營方式上具有相似的做法。 二、經營班級常規,宜「先嚴後寬」。而直接讓學生受到懲處是最好的學習 與執行班規方式。 三、兩位初任教師都未於開學之前就完成教室的佈置,也未曾做整體性的規 畫與設計,往往都是開學後才努力完成佈置內容。 四、親師關係經營上,兩位初任教師了解到與家長溝通的重要性,也擁有多 元化的親師溝通管道,但尚未主動創造與家長面對面溝通機會。 五、教學之前,兩位初任教師都會充分準備課程,且視課程需要自行找尋課 外資料補充課文不足,惟科目仍只限於生活性較高的社會科為主;而教 學之中,學生課堂秩序表現,是教師教學最關心的重點。 貳、班級經營困擾 一、兩位初任教師於「班級行政經營」、「班級常規經營」、「班級環境經 營」、「人際關係經營」、「課程與教學經營」五個層面都曾遭受到困 擾。 二、班級行政經營層面上確實遭遇到困擾,然而兩者面對的困擾不同,總計 有幹部訓練、學校行政事務處理、以及午休管理的問題。 三、班級常規經營上,面對處理學生違規、不當行為的問題;以及學生不服 管教的困擾。 四、班級環境經營層面中,兩位初任教師遭遇不同困擾,「教室整潔維持不 易」是兩人共同面對的問題。 五、人際關係困擾可分為三部份 (一) 師生關係困擾為教師角色拿捏,過嚴與過鬆都不當。 (二) 學生同儕關係經營上遭遇班內少數學生與同儕之間相處上的困擾。 (三) 親師關係上,困擾較為不一,從家長角度出發有「質疑教師處罰不 當」、「抱怨親師聯絡次數不足」;從教師觀點而言包含「家長過 於保護子女」與「家長消極管教子女的態度」。 六、課程與教學經營層面困擾,分為課前準備、課中實施、課後安排三部 份: (一)課前準備方面困擾,主要為教材問題,包含內容困難與輔助工具功 能不足。 (二)課中實施方面的困擾,主要為課程進度安排不易、課堂秩序不易維 持。 (三)課後安排方面的困擾,主要集中於學生的作業上,缺交作業與訂正 情形不佳的問題。 参、因應方式 一、積極性採取「自行尋找解決方法」、「請教學校資深教師」與「上網蒐 尋資料」。 二、消極性採取「被動處理」方式,「盡自己教師本份」心態。


國民小學 初任教師 班級經營 困擾 因應


The aim of this study is to discuss the contents, problems and coping ways of the elementary school beginning teachers’ class management. Through case study, two beginning middle grade elementary school teachers were interviewed. Based on the interview, the data was collected with the document analysis and observation. Once the data was analyzed and discussed, the findings and recommendations were given as references. The conclusions of his research are as the followings: I. Content of class management: 1.Both beginning teachers use similar ways in managing class which includes selecting executives, handling assignments and administrative affaires and setting class goal. 2.The principle “strictness comes before leniency” is appropriate for the routines of class management. Allowing students to receive punishment is the best ways to learn and implement class routines. 3.Both beginning teachers have not completed the class decoration and the overall design planning before the semester begins. They usually make effort in finishing the decoration once the semester begins. 4.With regard to the teacher-parents relationship development, both beginning teachers understand the importance of communication between teachers and parents. They all have multiple communication channels with parents but still not actively created opportunity for face-to-face communication with parents. 5.Before teaching, both beginning teachers would adequately prepare for the class and find related information as supplement materials if necessary. However, the subject still concentrates on social science. In class, the teachers place most emphasis on the order in the classroom. II. Problems of the class management 1.Both beginning teachers have faced problems in five perspectives including the “management of class administration,” the “management of class routines,” the “management of class environment,” the “management of interpersonal relationship” and the “management of program and teaching.” 2.Both teachers have faced different problems in the management of class administration. The issues include the executive training, the handling of school administration and lunch break management. 3.In terms of the class routines management, the problem includes the students’ violation of rules, improper act and disobedience. 4.According to the class environment management, both beginning teachers have faced different problems except for the issues of the “difficulties in maintaining class neat and tidy.” 5.The problems of interpersonal relationship can be divided into three parts: a.The problem of teacher-student relationship includes how to play the role of teacher. Too strict or too loose are all not appropriate. b.With regard to the management of peer relationship, some students have difficulties in getting along with peers. c.Both teachers have different problems in developing the teacher-parents relationship. From the parents’ point of view, they have complained about “teachers’ inappropriate punishment” and “insufficient number of time for contacts between teachers and parents.” On the other hand, the teachers’ viewpoints include “parents overprotect their children” and “parents” pessimistic attitude toward 6.The problems of class and teaching management can be divided into three parts including: pre-class preparation, in-class preparation and post-class preparation: a.The problem of pre-class preparation is material issue including difficult content and insufficient tools with assistant function. b.The difficulty in arranging class schedule and maintaining class order are the main problems of the program implementation. c.The problem of post-class arrangement mainly focuses on poor assignment submission and revision. III. Coping Ways 1.Active ways: “find solutions to resolve the issues,” “seek advices from senior teachers” and “collect information from internet.” 2.Passive way: just “fulfill the responsibility of teacher.”


