  • 學位論文


The study of Religions Activities Involvement, Spiritual Health and Family Satisfaction —A Case of Taipei Truth Lutheran Church

指導教授 : 林儷蓉


現代的科技越來越發達,使人與人的接觸越來越疏離,現代人經常使用電腦關心他人的動態,卻忽略了實體關心的重要性,家庭成員鮮少有時間面對面相處、沒有時間溝通,以至於家庭的關係出現代溝並且越來越惡劣。若家庭參與休閒活動時,可促進較佳的家庭關係,並使身心靈提昇讓個體與人有良好的溝通與健康的靈性,研究者希冀了解參與者是否因參加宗教性休閒活動,影響靈性程度,進而影響家人之間相處之滿意程度。本研究以台北真理堂教會的參與者為例,探討宗教活動涉入、靈性健康與家庭滿意度兩兩變項之間的關係和宗教活動涉入、靈性健康與家庭滿意度三者的相關性。研究方法採問卷調查法,針對2014年3月間參與台北真理堂教會活動者,以立意抽樣方式選取322位進行問卷填寫,實得回收315份問卷,所得資料以獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數、雪費多重事後比較法、皮爾森積差法、多元迴歸統計方式進行資料統計分析。結果發現宗教活動涉入和靈性健康與靈性健康和家庭滿意度與宗教活動涉入和家庭滿意度都具有顯著的正相關;而靈性健康對家庭滿意度有顯著預測力。顯示參與教會活動者擁有健康的靈性,家庭滿意度亦會提昇。


Development of modern technology is getting prosperous, so people usually contact others by computers. Leading to ignore the importance of caring for each others. The members of family don’t have time to care or contact with each other, and the generation gap is worse than before. If the families participated in leisure activities together that can promote family relationships better, and enhance the body and mind so that individuals with good communication and people's spiritual health. The research aims to understand that whether participants taking part in religions leisure activities could enhance the spirituality health, thereby affect the harmony between families. In this study that samples are the participants from the Taipei Truth Lutheran Church. To inquire into the relationship between Involvement in religious activities, spiritual health, and family satisfaction. Questionnaire method is adopted in this study. 315 people who participated activities in Taipei Truth Lutheran Church during March in 2014 were purposive selected. The data were analized by T test, ANOVA, Scheffe, Pearson, Multiple Linear Regression. The results showed that there are significant correlations between Involvement in Religious Activities and Spiritual Health, Spiritual Health and Family Satisfaction, Involvement in Religious Activities and Family Satisfaction. However, spiritual health plays an important role in influencing the family satisfaction rather than Involvement in Religious Activities.


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