  • 學位論文


Study on Differences between Information Needs of B&B Online Reservation for Different Customer Classification

指導教授 : 李晶




This study investigated on the information needs of B&B online reservation for different customer classification. Literature showed that the needs for online information vary based on gender, age, education level, online frequency, occupation, and income. This study applied questionnaires and sampled based on the total number of B&B customers by Tourism Bureau. The samples were selected from legal B&Bs authorized by Tourism Bureau, Backpackers, B&B associations, and online social platforms. The investigation covered the period between October 1st, 2015 and November 11th, 2015. There were 385 valid samples. This study found that: 1. The majority of B&B online reservation users are female students. The customers’ features can be categorized into "students with low savings," "middle class workers," and "upscale urbanites." 2. Information needs of B&B online reservation are “search, type features, security, staying notes, fee, and notification.” 3. It demonstrates disparities in "style, scenery, classification, general features, notification for specific needs, and acceptability of credit card” among groups. This study is the referable for B&B operators and reservation website designers with the expectation of maximizing synergy.


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