  • 學位論文


The study of application of motion graphic design in visual narrative

指導教授 : 周賢彬


動態圖像設計本身是一個概述詞,早期為了與一般角色動畫做出區隔,Franz(2003)將動態圖像設計定義為非敘事性和非象徵性的時間媒體,後來的學者為了避免多義性和模糊性,多採用此定義,然而隨著動態圖像設計的蓬勃發展,此一新媒體的內容也不斷在被擴展和補充,過去廣為通用的定義已經不足以涵蓋動態圖像設計本身的表演性,動態圖像設計的敘事能力需被進一步整理及歸納 。本研究之文獻涵蓋了動態圖像設計的發展過程和敘事設計在影像上的應用,收集不同案例來研究動態圖像設計作品如何呈現其敘事功能,分析不同作品中運用這些敘事手法的方式,整理出五項實用的敘事手法,分別為 1.併排,利用圖像和字體的強烈對比來表現情緒。2.舞台配置,將相關連的圖層重複展現,延續故事性。3.變形,利用角色切換來暗示情節因果。4.視覺引導,讓畫面更具連貫性。5.音效和節奏,用於暗示故事情緒。最後將研究內容應用在創作作品《河的第三岸》。本創作故事改編自巴西作家 João Guimarães Rosa 的一篇短篇小說,以不存在的河岸來暗喻生命中介於存在與逝去之間的情境,故事中超寫實的情境,透過河岸上漂流的父親,與河岸邊守望的兒子,描繪出人類孤寂與疏離的現實。其不連貫且詭異的氣氛,適用於動態圖像設計的非線性敘事來呈現,本研究運用前述整理出的手法於作品中。


Motion Graphic Design is a general title to describe a digital technique that combines pictures, words, sound and video. In order to separate the meaning of motion graphics from the traditional character animation, Franz(2003) defined it as an non-narrative and non-symbolic media. Many later scholars followed his definition to avoid the ambiguity and confusing. However, with the rapid development of motion graphics, the content of it was constantly being expanded and supplemented. As the result, the old definition is no longer sufficient. This new media requires a new study on its meaning. The paper covered the development of motion graphics, and how the narrative had been applied to it. The conclusion was to sort out five practical narrative techniques by case study. There were 1.the alongside, 2.the stage configuration, 3.the deformation, 4.the visual guiding, and 5.the sound effect. In the end, to apply these techniques in the creation of work "The third bank of the river ". The story was adapted from the Brazilian writer João Guimarães Rosa's short stories collection. The story used the non-existed river bank to metaphorize the situation between staying and gone. The story told a father who was drifting on a boat and never returned, and a son who was waiting for his father for many years. The story painted a picture of the loneliness and alienation in reality. Its uncanny atmosphere and non-linear narrative was a great experiment material for the motion graphics.


王受之。 2000。世界現代平面設計。台北:藝術家出版社。
