  • 學位論文


A Study of Constructing a Pipeline for Channel Branding by Applying Motion Graphics Design

指導教授 : 王兆華


動態圖像(Motion Graphics) 是從圖像設計衍生出來的動態表現手法,與傳統動畫相較角色成分較弱但更著重於平面結構與聲音共感的設計,隨著各種新興媒體與數位設計軟體蓬勃發展,動態圖像不但面貌更多元、設計風格更強烈,不再侷限於平面設計賦予動態的框架,也滲透進許多不同媒體範疇,包括電影片頭/預告、廣告、音樂錄影帶、演唱會、網頁、互動裝置以及電視頻道。 動態圖像在國際上被大量使用在電視頻道整體包裝中已行之有年,同時頻道包裝亦為動態圖像最大宗的設計應用領域,由於視覺特效技術與軟體的進步以及廣告客戶需求的改變,動態圖像與特效間的界線逐漸模糊,設計、創意與製作端的工作流程亦大為不同,傳統的頻道包裝設計運作模式因此亟需改良。 有鑑於此,本研究主要探討動態圖像於電視頻道包裝領域之發展與應用,且在視覺特效元素比重逐漸增加的趨勢下,傳統的設計流程如何調整因應,進一步開發符合當前頻道包裝設計產業環境下的改良設計流程,並以此設計流程架構,將動態圖像技術與手法應用於應用於公共電視HD整體頻道包裝Channel Image Spot與Channel Ident中。除了要能達到幫助電視頻道形象塑造以及節目播出宣傳等目的外,並導入了特效製作流程以及專案管理相關工具。 透過深度訪談多位業界資深人士與專家,彙整出當前產業趨勢、產業需求與工作流程發展建議,以確保能夠滿足頻道經營端、創意端、專案管理端、圖像設計端與特效制作端之需求。 本研究結果建構出包括創意、設計、包裝製作與後製四個主要模組之工作流程,可提供予欲運用動態圖像設計手法與工具於頻道包裝製作者之前製與執行參考。


Motion graphics comes from the idea of graphic design in motion. Due to the proliferation of new media and digital softwares, motion graphics can take shape in various forms and be expressed in styles that are more radical; no longer limited by the constraints of graphic design. Its expansion into the different media platforms include film title sequence, commercials, music videos, concerts, websites, interactive installation and television channels. Motions graphics has, for many years, been predominantly used in the branding of television channels. Even as the boundary between visual effects and motion graphics becomes blurred, the workflow for design and pipeline for production is vastly different, leading to a need for a revamp to the traditional creative process on how channel identity is being produced. This research initiates a model that is fitting for the current design of channel branding and can be used as a workflow for the design process that combines technique and treatment, with the PTS (Taiwan Public Television Service) HD 2013 Channel Rebrand Image Spot and Branding Package as prime examples. Apart from the enhancement to the identity of the channel and image spots or promos, it takes on the pipeline of visual effects production that includes specialized technique as well as softwares. The design pipeline is developed from the studies of local and international literature related to the industry, as well as interviews with several specialists from the field of motion graphics to define the trend, needs and workflow of the industry so as to be sure that the outcome meets the requirement for concept development, project management, graphic design and visual effect production.


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