  • 學位論文


An Examination of the Gender and Domain Specificity of Perfectionism

指導教授 : 李俊仁 許維素


過去,完美主義被視為跨領域的類人格特質。本論文探討完美主義的跨領域與領域特定性、性別與領域間的交互作用,以及完美主義與憂鬱及幸福感的相關;以近乎完美主義量表修訂版為測量工具。 研究一以學業/工作領域及生活領域檢視完美主義的領域特定性,利用兩種方法-領域間的分數差異及領域間的相關性進行探討。從領域間分數差異來看,發現不管是大學生或上班族,在學業/工作領域的完美主義都顯著高於生活領域,支持完美主義為領域特定性。另外,研究發現在落差向度上,上班族在生活領域大於大學生。在高標準向度上,大學生在性別與領域產生交互作用,男性大學生在生活領域的完美主義顯著高於女性。從領域間的相關性來看,女性大學生、女性上班族、男性上班族在學業/工作領域及生活領域的相關皆達顯著,顯示出完美主義跨領域的現象。 研究二之前導研究以領域評定的方式檢視不同性別上班族在13個家庭生活領域的完美主義差異。發現除了衣鞋整理領域外,其餘領域皆為男性平均數大於女性,因此研究者進一步利用男女平均數差異及Cohen's d,最後篩選出照顧子女領域及衣鞋整理領域,進行研究二。 研究二以照顧子女領域及衣鞋整理領域檢視完美主義的領域特定性,利用兩種方法-領域間的分數差異及領域間的相關性進行探討。從領域間分數差異來看,發現上班族在照顧子女領域的完美主義顯著高於衣鞋整理領域,支持完美主義為領域特定性。在高標準的向度上,性別的主要效果達顯著,男性高於女性。從領域間的相關性來看,發現男女性在照顧子女領域及衣鞋整理領域的相關皆達顯著,顯示出完美主義跨領域的現象。探討不同性別在落差完美主義及憂鬱、幸福感之相關,發現女性在照顧子女及衣鞋整理領域的落差完美主義,皆與憂鬱達顯著正相關,與幸福感達顯著負相關。而男性只有在衣鞋整理領域的落差完美主義,與憂鬱達顯著正相關。 根據本論文的研究結果,建議完美主義的測量必須考慮領域以及性別上的差異,以及關注落差完美主義與憂鬱之相關。


In the past, perfectionism was regarded as a domain-general personality trait. This study investigated the issues of domain-general and the domain-specific of perfectionism, the interaction between gender and the domains, and the correlation between perfectionism, depression and well-being. Study 1 employed academic/work domain and life domain to examine the domain-specific of perfectionism, using two methods -- the differences between the domains, and the correlation of the domains. The differences between the domains show that both college students’ and office workers’ academic/work domains are significantly higher than their life domains, supporting the idea of the domain-specific perfectionism. From the correlation analysis, academic/work domain and life domain of female college students, female office workers and male office workers are significant, showing domain-general perfectionism. Study 2 applied child care domain and clothing arranging domain to examine the domain-specific of perfectionism. On high standard dimension, the main effect of gender is significant, male’s perfectionism is higher than female’s. The correlation analysis, it was found that the correlation between men and women in child care domain and clothing arranging domain is significant, showing domain-general perfectionism. From the correlation between discrepancy, depression and well-being, it is found that women’s correlation between discrepancy and depression is significant positive in child care domain and the clothing arranging domain, and significant negative correlation between discrepancy and well-being is also found in women, while men only has a significant positive correlation between discrepancy and depression in clothing arranging domain. According to the results, we argued that the measurement of perfectionism should take the domain and gender differences into account.


