  • 學位論文


A Study of Heritage Education Framework and Content in Ga-La-A, Taipei

指導教授 : 蔡慧敏


聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)於1972年通過《保護世界文化與自然襲產公約》(簡稱世界襲產公約),世界各國漸漸重視世界襲產的保存,近年來積極推動世界襲產教育,促使更多人認識世界襲產,也體認到世界襲產對文化多樣性與文化保存的重要性,研究者曾在台北市萬華故事館擔任解說志工,深感台北市「加蚋仔」的文化保存非常重要,希望透過襲產教育使加蚋仔的地方襲產受到重視,並發揮教育功能。 本研究分析UNESCO於2002年發行的《World Heritage in Young Hands》第二版(中文版譯為世界遺產與年輕人)以及英國地方襲產計畫,探討世界襲產教育的架構與地方襲產的內涵,再整理關於加蚋仔歷史文化研究之文獻,初步擬定「加蚋仔襲產教育架構」,再使用德菲法,由專家成員圈選適合加蚋仔襲產教育各個主題的教學目標。 經過兩個回合的調查後歸納出結果,確認專家的意見並納入加蚋仔在地歷史文化脈絡,完成加蚋仔襲產教育架構與內涵,包括四個重要主題: 1.認識加蚋仔 2.參訪加蚋仔 3.永續加蚋仔 4.咱的加蚋仔


“Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage” was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO on 16 November 1972. A number of countries gradually attached importance to conserving world heritage. Therefore, World Heritage education was recently emphasized as well. It makes more and more people know the significance of cultural diveristy and cultural conservation. Since the researcher found the necessity of cultural conservation in Ga-La-A,Taipei when volunteering in Wan-hua Story House as an interpreter, this research is to reveal its uniqueness by heritage education. This research studied framework and content of World Heritage education by analysising “World Heritage in Young Hands” published by UNESCO and “Local Heritage Initiative” by UK. The researcher made firstly a draft of“Ga-La-A Heritage Education Framework” by content analysis, then invited specialists to select appropriate education objectives for “Ga-La-A Heritage Education Framework” Delphi technique. After two rounds of surveys, reconfirming and integrating the specialists’ comments, this research finally completed “Ga-La-A Heritage Education Framework and Content”. There are four chapters in the framework including the knowledge about Ga-La-A,the visit in Ga-La-A,the sustainability of Ga-La-A and the symbiosis of Ga-La-A.


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