  • 學位論文


A Study on the Enrollment Effect of Artistic Entrance Examination in University

指導教授 : 趙惠玲


大學美術術科考試是臺灣長期以來篩選藝術人才的重要制度,於十二年國民教育政策推動之際,檢視考試制度的實施成效與意義,以提供未來相關制度修定之參考,有其重要性。本研究之主要目的即在收集多元面向的資料,以探討當前美術術科考試制度的實施成效。為達研究目的,以臺灣師大美術系與臺北市立大學視覺藝術系師生為研究對象,利用推論統計分析學生入學前、後成績之相關性以探求考試制度之有效性,並透過問卷調查法瞭解學生對美術術科考試實施之態度,最後使用訪談法探求美術科系教師籌畫考試之經驗以及對考試制度與選才的觀點。   本研究結果發現,在美術科系學生入學前、後成績之相關性部分,普遍為低度正相關,而師大學生之指考「地理」與「基礎水墨」有達到中等正相關,「國文」與大學「基礎水彩」則呈中等負相關。此外,透過「個人申請」入學之學生,其大學學業表現高於「考試分發」入學之學生。在學生態度部分,整體而言,學生對美術術科考試時之態度為中等偏正面,而「考試空間」為學生認為亟待改善之項目。在教師觀點部份,美術科系教師認為術科考試制度有其特殊性與必要性,而現行制度讓各科系依照培育人才目標採彈性採計分數,在少子化造成校系招生壓力日益增加之際,各校對於術科採計與否及採計比例會參酌人才培育目標及招生率做各自權衡,未來若能開放獨立招生,或許能更加滿足各校系之需求。   根據上述研究結果,本研究提出結論與建議,期望能提供未來進行相關研究或政策修訂時之參考。


The purpose of this study is to explore the development process, the implementation of the present situation, and the efficacy of the entrance exams for college of art. We enrolled teachers and students from the Department of fine arts of National Taiwan Normal University and Department of visual Arts of University of Taipei, and analyzed the relationship of admission scores and academic performance by grade point average to evaluate the efficacy of entrance exams. We also did qualitative research through the student’s view toward the effectiveness of entrance exams, and finally interviewed professors who participate in conducting entrance exams to share their experience.   The quantitative statistics showed the admission scores and academic performance after admission are mostly weak positive correlation. Only “geographic” had moderate positive relationship with “basic ink painting”, while “mandarin” had moderate negative correlation with “basic watercolors technique.” Students admitted via “personal application” have significantly higher grade point average over students admitted via “examination and placement” In our qualitative research, students in the overall scale of the attitude have moderate positive feedback towards entrance exam. The space taken for entrance exam are the most unsatisfied subject from students. From interview of professors participating in conducting entrance exams, most of teachers affirmed the implementation of skill subject test in national entrance exam has its particularity and necessity. Current system let different schools use weighted score according to their own goal of cultivation of talent. However, low birth rate raise pressure on schools in student enrollment and schools also take enrollment rate into their consideration. If independent enrollment and individualized entrance exam can be implemented in the future, it would probably meet schools need more.   Finally, according to our conclusions and recommendations, the results of this study can be expected to provide relevant references for future research or policy changes.


