  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Web Artist Bimay’s Digital Painting

指導教授 : 陳瓊花


本研究是以個案研究法為方式,以網路圖文部落客「鼻妹」為研究對象,對個案進行深度訪談以及創作作品資料蒐集彙編與梳理。透過蒐集的作品資料及訪談的內容,探討個案的生命歷程、創作生涯、環境對個案的影響、個案身為公眾人物的特質、個案的社會角色與正向意義等。 在這個數位化的網路時代,每個創作者都能輕易地將自己的創作上傳網路空間並分享,始得「素人」或是「網路紅人」這樣的名稱變得相當普及。本研究所探究的個案正是具備著這種素人特質的創作者,並非相關科系畢業,僅接受過短暫的社會藝術教育後,便能憑藉著自身的天賦與好學的精神,達到個案今日在圖文部落格上的成就。 本研究先探討了數位化藝術時代、樸素藝術、圖文部落格相關研究,從中歸納整理出一個系統脈絡,並輔以個案的圖像作品資料整理以及訪談內容,依次分析教育環境與家庭環境對個案的影響、個案作品的內容分析、個案創作所傳遞之價值意涵等。 最後依照研究的結果,提出進一步研究的相關建議,以三個面向切入,對本研究之後續建議、對素人網路創作後續研究之建議、對社會藝術教育之建議。並提出了對「樸素藝術」概念的質疑與反思,期後續研究能針對相關議題深入探討,並期能有助於美感教育落實於生活中的美好願景。


This is a case study research based on a graphic-art blogger named “Bimay”. The research includes in-depth interview with the case and all the digital doodle created by her. By collecting interview data and all the doodles, this research tries to figure out her life story and art creating footprint, and to realize environment influences her in terms of motivation and creation. Besides, this research tries to reveal her identity as a public figure, the role she plays in the social media, and the positive impacts she has caused. In the digital web era, every creator can easily upload their own works to any web spaces for public review, which has brought aboutthe emergence of a new type of creators, amateur creators, on a wide range of websites. The case this research tries to study, Bimay, is one of these amateur creators. Whilst she got limited amount of training in art in a cram school. In her childhood, she didn’t receiveprofessional art education in the formal school system. As a non-expert of art, the efforts she paid and the natural talent for art have brought her the outstanding achievements of creating on the Internet. This research departs from discussion on issues of digital art era, naïve art and graphic-art blogger. Based on the above-mentioned references and the data collected from Bimay, I then attemptto analyze how her education background and family life influence her, and to figure out the ideology hidden in her artwork. At the end of this dissertation, I propose some advice for further research in three directions: advice on further research of this case, on research on amateur web creators, and on social art education. This research also encourages rethinking of the definition of naïve art in the hope that there will be further research dedicated to this issue. It is also expected that art education will truly be a part of our daily life one day.


graphic-art blogger naïve creator Bimay


LINE官方(2014年4月17日)。「LINE Creators Market」自創貼圖開放註冊!(預計
販售日期為5月之後)。LINE官方BLOG。取自:http://official-blog. line.me/tw/archi
