  • 學位論文


Alienation of Daily Landscape :Study of Ink Paintings by Chen Guo-Hua

指導教授 : 李君毅


本文係以筆者碩士期間作品為研究對象,此一系列創作內容為反映自身之於環境社會,藉藝術創作為反思批判之途經。如何使個人水墨創作形式與當代問題之意識有所適切地結合與表達,乃筆者研究與實踐之主軸。 文中以當代資本主義社會之現況為探討核心,自第二章節之學理基礎,由馬克思異化論談起,經由法蘭克福學派 工具理性批判、文化工業批判,以及布希亞後現代消費社會理論作為引述內容,揭示了在長久以來西方工具理性的失衡發展下,消費文化如何透過文化工業與物慾擬像的宰制,橫厲於當今生活的每一個角落,形成了人與環境自然的疏離,亦造成精神意識的貧困,並觀照於筆者生活之台灣社會現況作為舉例。在第三章的思想內容及形式表現,則闡述筆者創作思想,經由日常生活的超商飲食、快餐文化等當代語彙說明與學理之關聯,並與個人水墨山水之創作形式結合,建構一個資本主義中異化而荒誕的空間景觀,予以作品喚起觀者反思、批判日常中的異化現況,是為筆者「異化的日常風景」之意義。另一方面,也透過和筆者在創作形式與主題上相關的藝術家作為對照,其中為日本藝術家石田徹也,以及中國藝術家楊泳梁,乃透過脈絡的釐清和比較,進以檢視自身創作之價值。 筆者於第四章則進一步分析筆者系列創作之內容,由「日常景觀」系列以及「經典挪用」系列作品,說明創作實踐與理念之關聯,與個別內容與意涵。最後在結論部分,筆者重申藝術創作者對當代現象的關注態度,與作為社會批判之價值,於未來創作之期許,希冀持續建構、深化個人創作的意義。


This thesis intends to study the author’s creation series during the master period, focusing on the reflections and criticisms to the social environment, and attempting to presents an appropriate combination of the author’s ink art creations with the contemporary issues. The core value of thesis is about the situation of the contemporary capitalism. In chapter II , the author discus the Marxist “Alienation” theory、the criticism of the Frankfurt School of “Instrumental Rationality”、 the criticism of the “Culture industry”, and the “Consumer Society” theory of Jean Baudrillard. It reveals the long-standing imbalance development of the western society that caused by the “Instrumental Rationality”, showing the domination of “Consumer Society” that advantaging of the “Culture industry” and the “ Materialism“, and causing barren spirit and alienate people from nature . It takes the Taiwanese society as example in the end. Chapter III elaborate the author’s discourse of creations and the artistic form of expression of ink art, which reflects the daily diet and the fast-food culture, to presenting the absurd landscape of Capitalism that reveals the alienation of daily life. In addition, it compares to other artists’ creations that are similar in form and issue, like the Japanese artist Tetsuya Ishida, and the Chinese artist Yan Yong Liang. In chapter IV, It focuses on the author’s two series creations, “Daily Landscape” and the “Misappropriation of Classic”, delving into the author’s creative ideas and its own significance. In conclusion, it reiterates the attitude and the value as an artist that concern about the contemporary issues, hoping to further develop the artists’ creations.


1.Max Horkheimer、Theodor W. Adorno,《啟蒙的辯證,文化的片簡》台北市:商周,2008
2.Max Webber,《基督新教倫理與資本主義精神》,簡惠美譯,台北市:遠流,2007
3.Mike Featherstione,《消費文化與後現代主義》,趙偉妏譯,台北市:偉伯文化,2009
4.Walter Benjamin,《迎向靈光消逝的年代》,許綺玲譯,台北:台灣攝影工作室,1999
