  • 學位論文


From Shi Shashin to Shi Creation─The Creation Discourse of Lin I Shian

指導教授 : 陳淑華


本研究以日本攝影家荒木經惟所提出的「私寫真」概念為研究的出發點,「私寫真」為攝影界的獨特分類風格,以圍繞周身的人事物作主要的拍攝題材,並藉由生活影像探討自身的定位,以及個體與世界的關係。 研究者以攝影評論家飯澤耕太郎所著之《私寫真論》作為主要的理論依據,探討「私寫真」概念當中的「私我」意涵。「私我」涵蓋了照片中拍攝者有意識為之的操控痕跡,以及無意識中對拍攝物所持有的態度等,諸多透露藝術家個人訊息的線索。因為「私我」代表作品忠實反映創作過程價值觀與心境的部分,經由分析「私我」,有時甚至會揭露出超越創作者預料之外的意義,「私寫真」的理論探討稱此種落差為「背叛」。因此,研究者先行就「私寫真」的攝影家作品類型以及創作型態進行研究,其中特別針對在「私我」概念呈現上具最有代表性的兩位攝影家,荒木經惟與中平卓馬作的創作歷程和思考深入瞭解,接著將「私我」的概念置於其他藝術形式的語境當中,擴展其意義範疇,發掘「私我」用於原本攝影領域以外的媒材作品上,其討論的可能性。 最終回歸筆者自身的創作分析,以「私我」的概念為利基,發展出繪畫作品裡的小人物圖像,重新以「私我」的角度去檢視作品裡面所承載的訊息,釐清創作過程中抱持的態度,以及影響創作當下的內外部要素,並以「私創作」稱呼此系列作品以及背後的概念。期待透過研究使理念的脈絡更臻於完善,並且累積更多未來創作的能量。


私寫真 私我 日常 荒木經惟 中平卓馬


The point of view in this study starts from “shishashin”, which means “photos of self, families and daily life scene” in Japanese. Nobuyoshi Araki, one of the best known Japanese photographer created this word. Through “shisyashin”, those who take this kind of photos, knowing themselves better, their relationship between families going well and most of all, regarding the world at a different way. This research based on “SHI SHASHIN RON” (The study of shishashin) by KoraroIizawa. He regarded “SHI” as an important idea in shisyashin style photos. “SHI” means personal clues of creator in photos. Sometimes, even the creator can’t be aware to these information that revealed by “SHI”. Iizawa called this kind of situation “betray”. Research of two Japanese famous shishashin workers Takuma Nakahira and Nobuyoshi Araki are also included in this study. To explain the special conception “SHI”clearer, author analyzed how they represent their “SHI” in photos and how life experience makes influence. After that, is finding the possibility way to discuss how “SHI” shows in other types of art besides photograph. This study aims to rediscover these unknown message behind works which named “SHI Creation” by the researcher. Through conception of “SHI”, constructing method of creation and making a new starting point for the future.


shishashin shi daily life Nobuyoshi Araki Takuma Nakahira


2. 李澤厚著,《美學四講》,人間出版社,1988。
3. 涂豐恩著,《大人的日本史》,平安文化出版社,2015。
4. 蕭瓊瑞著,《畫面的起點:藝術中的人與自然》,東大出版社,2005。
