  • 學位論文


Fundraising and Patriotism of Chinese Australian through Australian Chinese Newspaper (1894-1937)

指導教授 : 吳龍雲




Overseas Chinese fundraising during the first half of 20th century is an important content of overseas Chinese’s patriotism. Funds raised during these periods not only aided Chinese who suffered from natural disasters; improved health, education, and other infrastructure of homeland China, it also supported Sun Yat-sen’s 1911 revolution in overthrowing the Qing regime to build a republic nation. During the mid 19th century, gold was discovered in Australia and it attracted Chinese from Canton province to try their fortunes in the country and later settled down and formed their own community. In 1894, Australian Chinese established their own newspaper and two years later, a list of donors for the flood relief in Guangxi province was printed in the newspaper, which marked the beginning of recorded fundraising history of Australian Chinese. The aim of this paper is to sort out the published donations of Australian Chinese throughout the first half of 20th century and analyses the social structure and patriotism of Australian Chinese through the patterns and habits of their donations.


