  • 學位論文


The Study of Career Development of 80s-Generation Government Contract Staff - A Case Study of Affiliated Social Education Institutions under Ministry of Education in Category Museum

指導教授 : 王美文


「七年級生」成長於臺灣經濟起飛的時代,享有發達的科技與較多的教育資源,卻在畢業之際,面臨金融海嘯危機,因此,形成了屬於自己時代的特性。又面對全球化的來臨及財政緊縮,行政機關大量以約聘僱缺額因應未來趨勢與行政作業需求。本研究目的為「七年級生」約僱人員對目前政府約聘僱制度及工作現況的看法、工作動機以及生涯發展。本研究採取質性研究之半結構式深度訪談,對五所教育部所屬博物館類社教機構發出邀請與推薦適合人選,共訪談八位「七年級生」之約僱人員,進行訪談後將所得之資料分析整理。研究結果如下: 一、「七年級生」約僱人員對其約聘僱工作的詮釋約聘僱工作是長期留任的、約聘僱工作的工時及工作內容是彈性的、約聘僱工作內涵重於約聘僱職位名稱以及約聘僱人員與正式公務人員的工作內涵並無不同;對其社教機構工作現況的詮釋以社教機構約聘僱人員的工作內容、社教機構約聘僱人員人數比例高、社教機構約聘僱工作的分工明確、資深員工與資淺員工的衝突與社教機構推廣教育部門的組織氣氛五個部分討論。 二、「七年級生」約僱人員的工作動機,在外在動機部分,以工作報酬為約僱人員較大的外在工作動機;內在動機則以專業認同與挑戰性的追求,為最大的內在工作動機。 三、「七年級生」約僱人員的生涯發展,大部分受訪者希望能繼續留在公部門居多,僅一位因興趣及個性,將來希望能自行創業;並就影響生涯發展的三大系統:微觀系統(個人與家庭因素)、中間系統(組織因素)與巨觀系統(社會環境因素)進行討論。   最後,研究者根據研究結果,提出若干建議,以供社會教育機構、主管、約僱人員以及後續研究作為參考。


The Eighties is the time the economy of Taiwan rose. 80’s-generation was born in this time. However, there was the financial crisis before their graduation. As a result, 1980’s generation develops their own characteristics. At the same time, to face the globalization and financial retrenchment, the government hires contract staffs to meet the needs and seek for productive works. The purpose of this study is to understand the thoughts of 80’s-generation government contract staffs toward the hiring system of the government, their job, working motivation and career development. The study applied the qualitative research method. After giving out the invitation to five affiliated social education institutions under Ministry of Education to find the recommended candidates, eight interviewees who are contract staffs and born in 1980’s were interviewed. After analyzing the data, the research results are as below: 1. The interpretations of interviewees to the contracted hiring system are contracted work is stable, flexible, but has unclear positioning. They do not care whether people understand contracted hiring system and whether they are in the system or not. The attitude towards current working situation are discussed into five categories. 2. About the working motivation and attitude of 80’s-generation government contract staffs are separated into external and inner parts. The external motivations are salary and working environment, and salary is a significant part to the staffs especially. All the interviewees agree that identifying their own professions and seeking challenges are important and the main inner working motivations. 3. Regarding the career development, most of the interviewees want to stay at the same institutions. There is only one interviewee wants to start a business. The three systems, which would influence career development, are discussed: micro system (personal and family factor), central system (organizational factor), and macro system (society environmental factor). The last, the researcher provides several suggestions as for the references for social education institutions, and future studies.


