  • 學位論文


The Gender Consciousness and Teaching Praxis of Science Teachers

指導教授 : 陳素秋


有鑑於科學領域中性別化現象仍十分明顯,本研究希望能透過自然科教師的視角,探究其性別意識與教學實踐,以利未來提供培力科學教育教師具有性別平等觀點之參考依據,改善科學性別化現象。故本研究問題如下: 一、自然科教師的性別意識發展歷程與內涵狀態為何? 二、自然科教師如何詮釋回應科學性別化現象? 三、自然科教師如何實踐性別平等觀點之教學? 本研究以深度訪談六位國高中自然科教師為研究方法,研究發現分述如下:一、研究參與者歷經重男輕女的成長年代,能看見性別的困境。但性別意識的程度不一,接觸過性別論述的教師較為敏感。雖皆能肯定性別平等教育的重要性,未接觸性別論述的研究參與者對於性別平等教育,較偏好尊重與同理的論述。二、研究參與者對科學性別化的詮釋,從學生時期偏向「本質論」的看法,成為教師後則觀察到,性別化的教養方式可能影響了性別化的學習風格,走上科學之路除了個人的興趣特質外,外在系統的支持也是關鍵,轉而或是並用「建構論」。三、為提升女生的自信心與增強參與度,研究參與者使用不同的信念與策略,將性別平等觀點融入教學。如注意師生互動及同儕互動上是否出現性別區隔、典範課程和打破性別刻板印象提問的課程設計、多元的活動及評量注重多元能力的發揮,和鼓勵女生參與科展及女性科學營等等。可以發現研究參與者雖未必質疑「科學的中立性」,但依舊能看見「科學性別化」的現象,同時願意為學生的學習成效做出努力。性別平等觀點融入自然科教學並非無法實踐,只要有更多教師願意投入,期待能有更明顯的改變。


Because the genderization phenomenon in the scientific field is observable, this study aims to investigate the gender consciousness and teaching praxis in the aspects of science teachers and makes a positive contribution to cultivating science teachers’ gender consciousness so as to improve the gendered science. The questions covered in this research are listed below: I.What’s the content and the condition of the development process of science teachers’ gender consciousness? II.How do science teachers interpret gendered science? III.How do science teachers practice the education of gender equality in the teaching? In the research, six science teachers in junior high schools and senior high schools are conducted a depth interview as research objective and the results are listed below: I.Because the research participants grew up in the patriarchal generation, they have the ability to see the gender dilemmas. However, different teachers have different degrees of gender consciousness; only those who have touched gender discourse are comparatively sensitive to gender issues. Although all the teachers value the importance of the education of gender equality, those who never touch gender discourse tend to only superficially adopt a positive and respectful attitude toward gender equality without further comprehension of gender issues. II.In the response of the research participants to gendered science, they tended to take an essentialism attitude in their studenthood, whereas after they became teachers, they observe that gendered upbringing may influence gendered learning styles. What propels students to set foot on the scientific adventures are personal interests and characteristics, the supports of the exterior systems, and the combination of essentialism and social constructionism. III.In order to bolster female students’ confidence in science learning and enhance their participation, the research participants hold different beliefs and map out different strategies to integrate gender equality into their teaching. For example, teachers need to pay attention to whether the gender gap is between teachers and students or between pupils. Teachers can devise paradigm curricula in which the issues of gender stereotype can be fully discussed. Teachers design multiple learning activities and evaluation to help students bring their competency into full play. Teachers can also encourage female students to take part in science exhibitions and science programs. In my research, I discover that the research participants do not necessarily suspect “scientific neutrality” but the gendered science phenomenon still exists. Teachers are all willing to make efforts to enhance students’ learning efficiency. It is not far from feasible to integrate gender equality education into scientific teaching. As long as more and more teachers have the aspiration to devote themselves to it, the gendered science phenomenon can be greatly changed.


Kayue(2016年8月9日)。萬人支持「NASA的女科學家」玩具套裝 Lego將於9月研究推出市面。關鍵評論網。取自https://hk.thenewslens.com/article/46231
