  • 學位論文


Job Stress and Coping Strategies in Workers with Spinal Cord Injury

指導教授 : 張千惠


本研究目的在於探討穩定就業之脊髓損傷工作者在工作中所遭遇到的工作壓力、影響及其解決策略。本研究採質性研究,透過滾雪球的方式邀請八位在北部地區就業中的脊髓損傷者參與研究。研究者對收集到的資料進行分析整理,並歸納出以下研究結果: 1.脊髓損傷工作者的工作壓力包括:個人健康狀況的壓力、長時間壓迫的心理壓力、個人需求的壓力、歧視及不平等待遇的壓力、移動及交通工具的壓力、來自環境的壓力、來自工作任務的壓力、自我要求的壓力、與其他身心障礙者競爭的壓力。其中以個人健康狀況的壓力最為多。 2.脊髓損傷工作者在遭遇工作壓力時的解決策略包括:面對壓力、與朋友聚會和出遊、自我放鬆、信仰和逃避。其中以直接面對壓力最常被使用。 3.工作壓力對脊髓損傷者的影響包括心理方面及生理方面。心理方面包括情緒低落、不安、焦慮或煩躁。生理方面包括腹痛及睡眠品質不良等等。這些影響有可能會間接形成新的壓力。 本研究亦根據研究結果,向脊髓損傷工作者以及公司、雇主提出相關建議,以協助脊髓損傷工作者減輕工作壓力的困擾。


This study aimed to explore the job stress and coping strategies in workers with Spinal Cord Injury. Qualitative research methods were used to collect data. Eight employed workers with Spinal Cord Injury working in north Taiwan were recruited. Data generated from in-depth semi-structured interviews, documents and field notes were analyzed. The findings revealed: Job stress in workers with SCI included: personal health, pressure of sitting for long time, personal needs, discrimination, movement and transportation, environmental barriers, self expectation and competition with co-workers with disabilities. The coping strategies consisted of: Directly facing the stress, seeking for support, self relaxation , turning to religion and walking away. Directly facing the stress and solving it were the most common ways that the participants used. In addition, the results of this study also indicated that job stress impacted on their psychology and physiology. Participants felt upset, worried, anxious and fretful. Some participants reported that they got sick or sleepless. Finally, based on the findings of this study, suggestions were provided for future research.


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