  • 學位論文


Trend Research of the “Reinterpretation” of Chinese Contemporary and Modern Literature

指導教授 : 石曉楓


「再解讀」思潮起始於上世紀九十年代初,因唐小兵主編的《再解讀:大眾文藝與意識形態》得名。「再解讀」歷時二十餘年一直持續至今日,一方面以上世紀四十至七十年代文學作為主要的研究對象,彌補了之前出於複雜原因而對這一階段文學研究上的空白,另一方面在中國現當代文學研究中,起到了開文化研究風氣之先的作用。「再解讀」思潮可以分為九十年代前中期、世紀之交以及最近十年三個發展階段,在不同階段「再解讀」都作為重要的研究課題活躍在現當代文學研究的第一線,既生產著文學史,其自身的發展過程本身也相當於是一部九十年代以來「精縮版」的現當代文學研究史。 因此對「再解讀」思潮進行系統的梳理和闡釋顯得意義重大。通過對相關研究現狀進行梳理,可以發現雖然「再解讀」已經在不同學者的研究中受到了一定程度的重視,但是從思潮的角度,進行的整體性研究還相當不足。因此本文將從這樣一個方向,對「再解讀」思潮的產生與歷史、發展過程中的個案與範例、總體意義與局限進行三個方面的考察。 在本文的緒論中,筆者將就選題的研究範圍進行闡釋,並通過梳理研究現狀,找到闡釋空間。本文的第一章「內與外的雙重作用模式——『再解讀』思潮的發生與歷史」將從國內和國外兩個角度對「再解讀」思潮的產生原因進行分析,並對「再解讀」思潮進行歷史角度的概括與梳理。其中國內角度包括兩個問題,一是論證「再解讀」發生之前,二十世紀左翼文學內部還沒有被充分挖掘的複雜性要求必須有這樣一種研究出現,以及當代文學「歷史化」的進程要求對20世紀左翼文學進行重估;二是論證八十年代末「重寫文學史」帶來的新的「學術增長點」對「再解讀」研究的呼喚。國外角度也包括兩個問題,一是二十世紀世界範圍內的文學研究方式經歷了轉向問題,發展相對滯後的中國現當代文學研究延續歷史已有的軌跡,必然導向對二十世紀左翼文學展開文化研究方向上的「再解讀」;二是具體層面,海外漢學的興起直接拉開了「再解讀」的序幕。對「再解讀」思潮史的梳理則從三個時間段展開,分別以1993年、1998年、2006年作為時間節點。 第二章「『再解讀』思潮的內部邏輯與範例」將按照三個階段的時間順序,對思潮的內部邏輯以及具有爭議的個案進行細緻剖析。第一階段為九十年代中前期,「再解讀」思潮同時從海內外出現,海外的《再解讀》標示著這一思潮的開始,而海內總體對左翼文學充滿抵觸的態度之中,陳思和與洪子誠二人為「再解讀」思潮奠定了總的方法與立場。第二階段為世紀之交,此時「再解讀」思潮處於全面發展階段,歷史研究、現代性研究、文學性研究三條脈絡基本成型。九十年代末期「現代性」的討論在國內文學研究界成為焦點問題之一,「再解讀」藉由對「現代性」的討論,暴露出了左翼文學更深刻的複雜性,也使被「邊緣化」了的文學研究與社會問題、大眾的認知走向有了更多互動的可能,當然相關研究也因此受到「超越歷史」的質疑。與此同時在二十一世紀初,對二十世紀左翼文學的歷史化處理正式成為現當代文學研究中最重要的課題之一,「再解讀」在具備了立場和方法之後,其意義和旨歸在這一時期也漸漸明朗。對左翼文學文學性進行的「再解讀」也在這一時期獲得迅速發展,延續著陳思和提出的「民間理論」,左翼文學蘊藏的通俗化追求從文學性角度得到了認可。第三個階段為2006年至今,此時「再解讀」思潮出現了進一步的深化與轉向。首先是在一種歷史文學化的趨勢中,以李潔非為代表的學者用充滿文學趣味的方式進行著歷史的建構與還原。而延續著這種著力于呈現文學內部景觀的趨勢,左翼文學時期與文學相關的歷史,按照具體的元素被拆分成了具有本體性的細節,從文學生產的角度對作家、出版、期刊報紙、宗派團體的研究蔚為大觀。與此同時,對左翼文學文學性進行的研究進一步深化,在建立起貫穿左翼文學與八十年代文學的評價體系的同時,挖掘出的文學性重新轉回精英化立場。除此之外,以蔡翔為代表的現代性角度研究立場更為鮮明,在問題意識與學者的思辨能力前所未有地凸顯的同時,「再解讀」內部存在的矛盾與缺陷也被進一步呈現。 在第三部分「『再解讀』的意義與局限」中,筆者在對「再解讀」思潮進行了充分的細部闡釋的基礎上,試圖將這一思潮與當下文學研究、文學創作間存在的問題進行聯繫,並從「再解讀」思潮吸取經驗提出改良的建議。


“Reinterpretation” academic trend began in the early ninety's of last century, which named from "Reinterpretation: Popular Literature and art and ideology" that edited by Tang Xiaobing. "Reinterpretation" that lasted more than 20 years has continued to the present day. In one hand it takes 40-70 years of the last century's literature as the main research object to fill in the blank that caused by complex reasons. On the other hand it leading the trend of cultural studies in the research of modern and contemporary Chinese literature. Including early and middle 1990s, the turn of the century and the last ten years , "Reinterpretation" academic trend can be divided into three development stages. In different stages "Reinterpretation" is always playing an important role in the forefront of contemporary and modern literary studies. While it repruducing the history of literature, itself also can be regarded as a micro version of the history of the research of modern and contemporary literature. Therefore, it is of great significance to sort out and interpret the “Reinterpretation”. By analyzing related research, we can found that although the "Reinterpretation" has been valued by different scholars, an integrated research that seem "Reinterpretation" as an academic trend is still absence. Therefore, this article will expand from this angle and do a research to “Reinterpretation” in three aspects included the emerging and history of it, the detailed casestudy and the overall significance and limitations. In the introduction of this article, the author will explain the research scope of the topic, and through combing the research status, to find the interpretation space. In the first chapter of this paper that named “the internal and external dual mode of action –the emerging and history of ‘Reinterpretation’” ,the emerging of “Reinterpretation” will be analyzed from the two perspectives of domestic and foreign. From a domestic perspective there are two problems. At first, the Left-wing literature have not been fully explained and there are lots of complexity need be explained. Secondly, "Rewriting Literary History" in the end of 1980s as new academic growth point, also propell the emerging of “Reinterpretation”. From a foreign perspective there are also two problems. At first, literary studies have experienced a turning around the world, and along this trend, Chinese Left-wing literature must be “Reinterpretation”. Secondly, the rise of Overseas Sinology opened "Reinterpretation" prelude directly. The second chapter named "cases and examples of the ‘Reinterpretation’ academic trend” will be divided into three stages. In the first stage in the early 1990s, "Reinterpretation" academic trend appear both in domestic and overseas. When lots of people hold conflicting attitudes to the left-wing literature Chen Sihe and Hong Zicheng laid the general standpoint and method for “Reinterpretation”. The second stage is the turn of the century, when the "Reinterpretation" academic trend have a all-round development and three basic formations had been shaped that included the historical research, the modern research, and the literary research returned from the edges to the center of the socialty. Of course, related research sometimes has been beyond the "history". At the same time in the 21st century, history of left-wing literature in the 20th century period officially become one of the most important subject in the research of modern and contemporary literature. With position and methods its meaning and purpose in this period also gradually clear. "Reinterpretation" of left-wing literature and literariness also get rapid development during this period, continuation of the "folk theory" put forward by the Chen Sihe, popularization of the left-wing literature pursuit is gaining recognition from the angle of literature. In the third stage since 2006, "Reading" trend appeared to further deepen and steering. First in a historical literary trend, represented by Li Jiefei scholars with full of literary taste the ways of construction and the reduction of history. And the continuation of the trend of the present literature interior landscape, period of left-wing literature related to the literature history, according to the specific element is subdivided into the noumenon, the details of the writer from the Angle of literature production, publishing, the journal newspaper, sectarian groups research fill. At the same time, to study further deepening of literariness, in established throughout the left-wing literature and the evaluation system of literature in the 1980s, the literary study of popularity level appear back to elite position. In addition to Cai Xiang position is more distinct, the Angle of modernity in the problem consciousness and the ability of scholars of unprecedented highlighted at the same time, "read" the internal contradictions and defects are further presented. In the third part "Reinterpretation" of the significance and limitations of ", based on sufficient detail explanation of the" Reinterpretation ", the author trying to associating the academic trend and contemporary literature study and problems of literature creation.And Learn from the" Reinterpretation " academic trend in order to put forward improvement Suggestions.


1. 孔范今,施戰軍:《中國新時期新文學史研究資料》,濟南:山東文藝出版社,2006年。
2. 王哲甫:《中國新文學運動史北京:北平傑成印書局,1933年。
3. 王瑤:《中國新文學史稿》,上海:開明書店》,1951年。
